Humor from My Life!

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I have mentioned it more than once, the best part of married life is Dr. Fab's ability to extract humor out of our daily life. Often at the least expected times. You might remember (or might not) he leaves for work at 6:30am which is the most unlikely hour for any sense of humor. At least from me. But not Dr. Fab. He is ALWAYS ON!  Our conversation from the other morning:  Dr. Fab is leaving for work and says, "Hola!"  Mrs. Fab (aka ME!) with a very Tanvi-like-raised-eyebrow-look says, "Hola is - HELLO - in Spanish, not BYE!" Dr. Fab: O! Well, then what's BYE? Mrs. Fab: It is ... ( ... before I can finish the sentence) Dr. Fab: It should be, "Bola"  Mrs. Fab: "WHAT? NO! Its - Adiós " Dr. Fab: Well, we'll say 'Bola!'  Mrs. Fab: Why?  Dr. Fab: 'coz Hello is Hola, then Bye should be Bola, na?  *hmmmm* ... Can't fight with that logic, now can we? If nothing nothing else, it will be our own secret language. His, mine and yours! ;) You all are family too now,  after all! Aren't you?    So we are going to be saying 'Bola!' every morning from now. Got it? :P 
This is what I wore on Saturday for the SAFABB Bombshell Bash at bevello

Shirt - Custom Made via Cut X 2 [11'] Blazer - UO [12'] Jeggings - GAP [11'] Shoes - Adelante [09'] Orange Ring - c/o IN Pink [12'] Necklace - Crazy & Co. [12']