Humid Weather

By Scarecrow
Update: First week of January 2012
The humid, warm days has set
the Sweet Potato off and growing.
The Yacon Smallanthus sonchifolius is thriving too.
Weather Highs and Lows:
Lowest Min 11.8C
Highest Max 39.5C
Rain 14mm
Beans Bush Phaseolus vulgaris Roc D'Or - Green Harvest into Bed 13
Beans Climbing Phaseolus vulgaris - Purple King DT Brown into Bed 1
Zucchini Cucurbita pepo var, melopepo Costata Romanesco - Phoenix Seeds into small pots for transplanting
Harvesting this week:
Salad greens from Goldrush Lettuce, Mushroom Plant, Gotu Kola, Parsley, Shallot Greens, Silverbeet and Leaf Amaranth.
Beans Gourmet Delight 50g
Beans Tongues of Fire 387g
Cucumber Bushy 116g
Squash Scalloped Yellow Button 257g
Tomato Big Rainbow 124g
Tomato Ida Gold 49g
Tomato Money Maker 81g
Tomato Pineapple 47g
Tomato Stor Gul 197g
Cossack Pineapple 111g
Chooks: 31 eggs:-
3 from the lone Barnevelder
13 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals
15 from the 4 Faverolles
The Black Sultana Grapes are staring to color up!
In Bed 12 in the Kitchen Garden the Capsicums are setting fruit and the Cossack Pineapples are ripening and providing a tasty treat and maybe enough to try some jam soon!
Down in the Pumpkin Jungle several pumpkins have set and are growing fast, the vines seem to be coping with a slight attack of powdery mildew brought on by the unusually humid weather this year.