Human Evolution Weekly Update #8

Posted on the 02 September 2017 by Reprieve @EvoAnth

Another week, another bunch of cool discoveries about our ancestors. Here are the highlights. Remmeber, you can get these live by following me on twitter or facebook. Plus some general complaints about academia, for balance.

If you want to read this paper about Aboriginal Australians it will cost you more than £1 per hour. Plus taxes, of course

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 6, 2017

Savannah chimps are good at predicting where fire is moving, allowing them to safely exploit the area around it.

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 8, 2017

I can't understand much in this "paper", except for the fact it is total nonsense

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 8, 2017

This efficient diet might have helped fuel our big brains

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) June 14, 2017

Mammal brains. Can you spot yours? It might look quite different, but its suprisingly similar to its brethren

- Adam Benton (@EvoAnth) July 6, 2017