Huggies & Pampers Rewards Codes

By Earthseamama @earthseamama
You know those little stickers on your diaper and wipes packages! When Baby F first started using disposables I probably tossed out a few of these codes thinking I did not have time to enter the codes or that I would never get enough points to even get anything. One day I went on Huggies & Pampers website and registered for accounts and I was surprised they had a lot of really neat things for you to choose from when redeeming your rewards points...and I was hooked!
Now whenever I open a new pack of diaper's or wipes I just rip off the little code and add it to the stack under my computer monitor, and when I have a free moment I enter them. You can also earn rewards points for writing product reviews on Huggies & Pampers websites!
I really want to get Baby F something cool with our rewards points...I am not going to order the first thing that we have enough points to get for free. I currently have about 2,000 Pampers Gifts To Grow Reward Points and the big rewards are around 5,000 points. I am planning on getting Baby F a Tricycle so by the time we get enough points for it he should be old enough to ride it LOL.
We are currently 66 points away from getting the Huggies Enjoy The Ride Reward we have been saving for! We are planning on getting Baby F the Twilight Sea Turtle! I have posted on my personal Facebook and ad's on Kijiji asking for people that don't need their points to donate them to us! THANK YOU to everyone who has shared their codes with us :)
If you have any codes for Pampers or Huggies that you don't use we would love to have them :) you can e-mail them to us at