Minisink, NY hydro-fracking site was successfully blockaded for over half the day.
Residents in western Orange County began fighting the project over a year ago, and have taken every legal step possible. FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approved the project with a 3 to 2 vote, unprecedented in their history as a rubber stamping revolving door for industry. The split decision was the result of an alternative site proposed by residents, which would involve the expansion of an already existing compression facility. With their decision, FERC confirmed what we already knew, that when the interests of industry come up against community, the government is no ally. The gas industry has plans to turn Minisink and Western Orange County into a hub for operations, with another compression station and an $800 million dollar natural gas power plant already in the early stages of regulatory approval.
One thing is certain; no one in this area saw resistance of this magnitude coming. Hopefully this signals a sea change in the way things have been in the Hudson Valley. This bio-region has suffered enough suburbanization, gentrification, pollution, and downright dirty dealing. From Indian point (the nuclear plant with no evacuation plan) to PCBs, natural gas infrastructure to green-washed incinerator projects, we are here to let it be known that the heyday of industry is over. No compressor station! No compromise! Long live the Indiana Bat!
The next day of action is this Saturday (10/6/12) with another march, followed by a direct action training presented by Hudson Valley Earth First!
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