Huck Strikes Again

By Thelazzyreader @thelazzyreader

Yeah yeah yeah I read Huckleberry Finn and I don’t care about what you say, it’s for all ages dammit!
If you’re wondering why I read the book, I want to take you back to memory lane, if you will. Many years ago, when I was a young teenager watching Gilmore girls, my favorite character (Rory), was a book fanatic. Of course as a normal fan would do, I tried imitating her a bit, with no result but I did find that we had one thing is common which made me love her more. She loved reading!
And she wasn’t just any type of reader. She was an avid reader who was constantly caught with books in her hands and using big words that put me at awe. Any ways I decided that I was going to read all the books that were mentioned on the show because she made them seem so interesting and Huckleberry Finn was one of them.
I say all that to say, meh it’s a book so it’s fair game and if Rory was reading it, so can I.
HAHA, but really it’s a fun little story to read. When I was 8 years old, I read the Tom Sawyer story and I thought it was so brilliant. At the time, I had no idea that there was a sequel so I was really surprised .
This book made me laugh because I didn’t really realize what I was reading about when I was younger. Who knew that slavery was going on … at that time … in the book. When I was eight, all I thought about was how great their adventures were, I never realized the context of the story. In hindsight, it’s quite astounding how he brushed upon difficult subjects such as poverty, slavery and even child abuse.
Who knows if Mark Twain was a racist, but from this book, I assume that maybe he wasn’t. He seems so sympathetic to Jim and the need for his freedom.
As well, Huckleberry Finn is soooo funny. Jeez, reading this now, I think he is so hilarious and quite clever. He faked his own death for heaven’s sake! What kind of a regular kid would be so brilliant at planning such a scheme?
I feel like I’m giving every book a great score buut … I give it a 5 out of 5. Read it, why don’t you? It’s not long so you have no excuse! Tell me what you think afterwards, don’t be stingy with your thoughts!
Quote of the day (from an anime show): Nothing good ever comes from fear