The HTC Tablet R7 sports a 7inch full HD display, 1920x1080, 2.3 quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM, 13 MP auto focus rear camera. The tablet has an internal memory of 16 GB which can be expanded to 32 GB using microSD card. Equipped with WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0 and offers offer HDMI, DLNA or NFC. The HTC R12 features the same specification like R7, the device boost a 12inch 2048x1336 pixel screen resolution with 13 MP rear camera, the Tablet R7 will be a huge tablet and will be a close rival to Windows surface.
With the rumors of the tablet, HTCs tablet will hit the market and take on the Android and budget tablet market a battle. Pricing and release date of the tablet is not officially announced, but sources have put October 13 as the tentative release dates.