How You Can Have Fabulous Hair Everyday

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Good hair day or bad hair day?

Your hair and what it's looking like is able to make you feel more or less stylish and it's an important part of your overall style.

With recent Covid lockdown and hairdressers being shut, it's a time where hair issues have come to the fore for many women. Some decided that they will now embrace their grey, others wondering how to disguise their roots until they can get to a salon.

So I thought it would be great to get together with someone way more qualified on this topic than me, and invited hairdresser of over 34 years Gwen Thomas from On Stage Hair Studio in Onarga Illinois (yes via Zoom as we live a long way away from each other) who is one of my fabulous 7 Steps to Style members and we talked hair and videoed our chat.

We'd been sent lots of questions before our chat (which we did on my Inside Out Style Facebook Page) and answered them and more in this video.

Product Build Up

One of the great tips that Gwen shares in this video is how to clarify your hair to remove product build up - that experience when what seemed to be a great product suddenly stops working.

She recommends 2 parts water to 1 part apple cider vinegar and rinsing that through your hair monthly to remove product build-up.

Run the diluted vinegar solution through your scalp and hair and let set for 5 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and follow with a deep conditioner.

Frizzy Hair and Why Yours Frizzes

I loved this tip that Gwen shared - how to figure out what kind of product you need to stop that dry feeling.
When your hair is wet - get 10 strands and stretch it

  • If they start breaking you need a product with PROTEIN to strengthen it (such as Olaplex)
  • If it stretches then you need a product to add moisture (an oil - such as Argan Oil)

For Adding Moisture

Aveda Smooth Infusion

Stop Your Hair Going Brassy

Blonde Hair
If You Have Rust Build Up and Hard Water

Gwen talked about Malibu Hair treatment to remove rust build up - learn about it here.

Heat Protectants

For Curly Hair

L'anza Healing Style Curl define creamDeva Curl GelRE:COIL curl activator

How to Get Great Curly Hair

Wash twice and rinse your hair then put in daily conditioner away from your scalp and comb through it with the large tooth comb before rinsing the conditioner out. After rinsing, get out of the shower and bend over and wring out excess water with just your hands and then use a towel or old T-shirt to just absorb water from the ends (not roughing it with a towel or wrapping your head in a towel.) Squeeze the water out and do not rub your hair!

Put the curl cream in your hands (about 1 teaspoon), rubbing it between your palms. Bend over at the waist and apply the cream to the ends first, pushing straight up into the ends of your hair and gently closing your hands around the waves. Then run whatever cream is left in your hands through the rest of your hair.

After applying the cream, loosely wrap your head in an old T-shirt to soak up dripping water & leave it on from 5-20 minutes before letting it down to either air dry or diffuse with the blow dryer, pushing the hair up to the scalp with the diffuser and holding for about a minute (described in the video around the 45 minute -47 minute mark).

The only time it's combed is with the conditioner on in the shower.

Thinning Hair

To disguise thinning hair

Try XFusion hair fibres

To regrow your hair try Rogaine