How White Do You Have To Be To Be Considered White?

Posted on the 08 June 2016 by Calvinthedog

Ultra Cool writes: Best post ever. No point in excluding non-Euro Whites from our Caucasian family, down with Euro-elitism and Nordicism! Caucasian Pride forever!

All Caucasians are in, as long they look Caucasian, even if they have a lot of non-Caucasian ancestry, maybe even hardcore wannabe Whites can get in, Nazis and Stormtards are out because they exclude 90% of our family.


I would say that if you are 75-85% White or Caucasian, then you are White. Latin American Whites (on Stormfront!) say that that is the metric used for being White in Latin America. More than 25% non-Caucasian, and it’s possible that you might not look truly Caucasian anymore.

If you look White and you act White, you’re White!

I know that Indian groups in the South who have a lot of Australoid in them do not really look White anymore. I do not know what they look like, but it seems like some of them look a bit like Aborigines!

From the Urals east in Russia you have mostly White-Asian mixes. Most of these people are so admixed with Asian that they are either simply Asians or they are sort of Asian-White “mulattos”. Here in the US we call them Amerasians, but we do not have a good name for Asian-White mixes worldwide. I know that the Mansi, a fascinating looking people from the Urals, are about half Asian and half White, and they have a very interesting look about them.  Some have blond hair, blue eyes and Asian eyes! Amazing looking people, but I don’t think they are really White.

In the Stans, most people are Asian-White mixes, but they seem to be thoroughly admixed, and the vast majority of them do not seem to be White. Whatever they are, they’re not White people, even if some of the women are very beautiful.