How Well Do You Know Your Child's Doctor?

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2
Today my two month old had a doctor's appointment. We, my three kids and I, walked into the sitting room, I nodded to the receptionist, and we sat down. There was no need to say who we were; she knew us just by looking at us. She always has a big smile for my five year old son who is known to be quite the character. 
When we were called back into the exam room, the nurse was super friendly, chatting the whole way to the room and as she completed the first few parts of my son's exam. She was warm towards the kids and laughed along with my five year old as he recounted how he and his sister play dress up sometimes. 

The doctor came in and mentioned us each by name without even looking at the chart. He too chatted with us, telling us a funny story about Cheerios, seeing that my kids were snacking on them (it was a long wait today). He completed the rest of the exam, and made sure that I asked any questions I might have had while explaining what milestones would be coming up next. Before he left, he apologized for the long wait, divulging that his practice was undergoing some changes and things were a little hectic. 

Does that sound like a normal visit you would have with your child's doctor? It was a completely normal pleasant visit for me, as always. After all, I've known them all--receptionist, nurse, and doctor--since I was only nine years old. 

Before you imagine this old geezer who has been practicing medicine since the age of the dinosaurs, think again: he was just starting out when my mom took me to see him, and he's my parents' age (fifties), very well versed in the current ways of medicine. The nurse is his sister, who has been with him since the beginning, and the receptionist has been there long enough to know exactly what lollipop flavors my kids like as they exit the office. It's a small practice right in my hometown, so we always see the same people at every visit. 

The comfort level I feel there helps me to know that the doctor and his staff care about the patients, including my kids. I know that I can ask them any question I have and not feel embarrassed or nervous about bringing up any topic. I even feel comfortable asking the same questions over and over if I don't understand something about a health condition or medication. I don't think I'd feel the same way if I took the kids to a larger practice where a different doctor saw us every visit. 

Do you think your comfort level with your doctor affects the quality of health care you receive? Does he or she know you by name? Do you feel comfortable asking about anything? 

I trust my doctor, and I know we'll always get the best care at his practice. When it comes to my kids' health, that's all I can ask. 

I'd love to hear from you! Leave me a comment below telling me what you think. 

Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best.