A great blog article is more than about great content, it’s how you format, design, incorporate the right keywords to help people find you and other things that go into promoting the articles on your blog. With the many blogs covering almost the same topic as your blog how do you make yours stand out. Below are some tips that a web development company or any other company can do to write the perfect article for their blog.
Pick an appealing title
The title you choose for your article is very important as people get to see it first before they can read your content. The title should be able to grab the reader’s attention and compel them to read more. Also choosing the right words will help people find your article when they do search online
Clearly outline your main points
Many online readers don’t actually read all the content. They skim through to get the vital points. Clearly outlining your main points will make it easy for users to understand and get the most important points
Correct formatting
People prefer reading articles that have clear headings, subheadings and content that is clearly formatted. Make lists for easy reading
Incorporate images and video
To make your blog article more interesting include appropriate images and video to get your message across. Including different types of media will make your blog more appealing. Just make sure to relate the images and videos to your topic
Valuable content
A great way to set you blog article apart is to ensure that the content is helpful to users. Users find all types of articles on the internet. People like reading articles that will help them solve a problem or give them valuable advice.
Stay on point
A good article should be precise and to the point. People will most likely find your article by doing an online search, which means that they want to know more about the topic. Meandering or including too many topics will make users lose interest and look for another clear article. In addition they will feel cheated if your topic and content do not match.
Use the right keywords
A blog post should have the right keywords spread naturally throughout the article. Keywords help users find your articles when they search for topics in your niche. Do a Google Ad word search to help you determine the most searched keywords in your niche. Incorporate the keywords in your title and throughout the article, this will also help improve your ranking on Google.
Make your article short and unique
As mentioned earlier most people like skimming through an article to get the most vital points. Making your article short and to the point will encourage users to read it. Long articles look like a lot of work. Also, make sure your article is original, avoid saying what everybody is saying, and if you have to, give it a new different direction to make it interesting.
Blogging is an important tool for any company and when done right will lead to increased sales and consequently profits to a company. Using the above tips will help create a great blog article for your readers.
Useful tips hah? Now please share with us yours and also share these tips with other people
About Author: This article is written by Darko Atanasov, young enthusiast and passionate blogger, working for UK based Web Design company - Dazines. See more posts by Darko on www.dazines.co.uk