How To Wear Skinny Tartan Leggings at 54 Or How To Take the Garbage out with Style

By Arianel
After a day of tests and interviews i felt like wearing my tartan leggings and just be plain sillySo how do you wear skinny tartan leggings at 54?Just do it the way you want
I said it before and i'm saying it again
Who cares anyway? Forget the cellulite, the bulges, the muffin caps and what not
I have cellulite, and i have the weird soft stuff that nobody wants to know about itForget about it! would you?
Have fun!Show your derriere and do those silly posesI'm having a post -interview moment i guess

After the interviews i stumbled across a charming haberdasher's shop calledRix RaxThe place was wonderful, full of trimmings, feathers, buttons....Paradise!
I purchased pompoms and that wonderful Sisi button That will turn out to be a ring or a necklace
If you are in that hood, stop and have a look

And yes i will take the garbage out in that outfit after i update this darn post!

I'm wearing...Shirt thrifted at RenaissanceJumper- E-BayLeggings - Mia boutique - McGill College underground boutiqueBoots - Retail - JCHat - ThriftedLoveArianexo