How To Wear A Tusk Pendant

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I have styled this Orange Ella Tusk Necklace via Shop Jami over and over again this year. I received it back in January and have not had enough of it ever since. At first look I didn't really think it would be as versatile as it has proven to be. 

P.S. While I am using this tusk pendant/necklace as an example you can essentially apply these same style tricks with any chunky-statement-making pendant.  Here

Playing against the color of the cardigan and the blouse, the pedant is the only accessory i needed to complete the look. Its sharp and professional at the same time. 
This is my favorite and go-to-style mantra - play with contrasts! Nothing in this outfit is "matching" the orange pendant (not counting the background, of course, as that was pure co-incidence), but I wanted to break the colors of the outfit with just one single stroke. 
Since the outfit was in the shades of blue, I thought orange would be a good complimentary color and as far as I am concerned it was! 
Well, this is where I am trying to 'match' the accessories with the outfit. Playing with metallics and orange here. It was an unexpected color combination but the risk paid off. 

Here I am playing off the color of the bag and matching the pendant to my watch. I thought it brought the outfit together. 
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