How To Watch the Super Bowl While Traveling

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
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How To Watch the Super Bowl While Traveling

Well, it’s that time of the year again, Super Bowl time. If you’re an American you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, don’t worry, you’re not missing much… well to me anyways, I’m not an American Football fan, but Jeff is, he really is. Football seems to be the backbone of American culture. It is everywhere and the Super Bowl is like our World Cup.

Super Bowl parties, in America, are a big deal. It’s like second Christmas! Everyone decorates, puts every TV they can find in one room, barbecues or lets be honest, orders take out of barbecue so they don’t have do cook themselves, and goes to Costco to get a ton of beer! Even if you don’t like football, like me, it’s a lot of fun! It doesn’t even matter if you’re team is even in the Super Bowl, you still get to yell and be roughly for two teams that you normally don’t even care about. It’s just the American way!

This year the Seattle Seahawks will be playing the New England Patriots on February 1st in the 2015 Super Bowl. Keep in mind the Seahawks won the Super Bowl last year, so it is an intense game! This is what football fans wait all year for and if you’re traveling it is no different! Last football season, Jeff and I were living in Thailand and just watching football with a 12-hour time change proved to be difficult, let alone the fact that no one else cared about the game. It would be frustrating not to be able to watch the game with your friends. Jeff would get up at 3:30 in the morning just to watch his precious Washington Redskins loose (haha), while I stayed sound asleep in bed loving that I no longer had to watch him watch football.

(Since I don’t care for football, I love to tease Jeff about his team not doing very well every chance I get!)

Not sure how to watch the game? Check out our article about Watching Sports Abroad!

Last year, during this precious time, Jeff and I were on a cruise in Italy. Not only were we the youngest on that cruise, we were two of only a handful of Americans. Luckily, we had made the decision to purchase the all inclusive alcohol package, which I highly recommend to anyone taking a cruise, and then we just had to find the game!

So it makes sense that we would be sad that we weren’t able to be in the States for the Super Bowl, but we decided to make the best of it anyways. The cruise ship had a sports bar and luckily they were going to be showing the game. When Jeff found out they’d have the game I’ve never heard such a loud sigh of relief. Unfortunately, internet on cruise ships doesn’t seem to exists yet, so he wasn’t able to talk to his friends back home and enjoy some good old fashion shit talking, but there were a few Americans in the bar to heckle with.

So if you’re on the road, in a different country there are a few things you can do to insure an amazing Super Bowl experience. First, make sure that you have plenty of booze available. For some reason this is way more important than actually watching the game. Second, find out where you can find the game. I’ve always been surprised how easy it is to find a bar anywhere in the world that has or is willing to show at least the Super Bowl. They may never play American football games, but they will screen the big game. Plus, if you find a bar showing the game it also takes care of the booze part! Next, be sure you have plenty of snacks, anything deep-fried will do! If you found all of these things then you’re ready for the big game! Now all you have to do is get drunk and yell at people when whatever team you’re rooting for is loosing!

All images via under the Creative Commons License. © Dave Nakayama (dnak), © Philip Robertson (PhilipRobertson), ©Joe Goldberg (Goldberg), © Mobilus In Mobili (Mobili) – All images have been altered.  

Marina Dominguez is the co-founder of Latitude 34 Travel Blog as well as a photographer and documentary film maker.

As a maturing women, Marina has dedicated her life to travel and new experiences. After working a 9-5 cubical lifestyle, Marina sold everything she owned, left her job and begun a new life with her best friend and travel companion, Jeff Johns. Together they relocated to Phuket, Thailand and founded Latitude 34 in which they seek to share their alternative lifestyle with the world.

Marina is a Visual Journalism graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography where she studied photography, videography and ultimately caught the travel bug. Through creating several international documentaries, Marina realized there was more to the world than work and wanted something more.