How To Vlog Like A Pro

By Naomiestment @naomiestment

Just in the past week, two people have mentioned to me that they’re amazed by how much content I share, via blogs and video blogs (or vlogs as they’re called), like this one. During the course of my 8 years of blogging, many others have expressed similar feelings, along with concerns about not knowing what to say or not having enough to offer.

Confidence and Clarity

According to statistics, the vast majority (as much as 95%) of blogs may be abandoned within the first few months, so their concerns are well founded. A few key things can contribute to this, especially lack of confidence and lack of clarity about the purpose for doing it. We all need a big WHY behind what we do, if we want to derive fulfillment from it and maintain the commitment to stay the course and be consistent over time.

Importance of Platform

I’m currently reading a brilliant book by a phenomenal blogger, Michael Hyatt, called Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. He explains how important exposure is for success, and how to go about achieving it, particularly in today’s crowded online space. Of course blogging plays a significant role. Vlogging (video blogging) is becoming ever more relevant and popular too. It can also be loads of fun and doesn’t have to take long. If you’d like to vlog like a pro and get your message noticed, here are some tips to get you started:


Passion and Purpose

Personally, I love to write, take photos and shoot videos, and sharing content brings me pure creative pleasure as well as tremendous fulfillment. It provides greater clarity about life and work, while serving my purpose to help visionary but camera shy leaders share the best of who they are and what they offer via photos and videos.

Flow of Ideas

As I mention in the video, the process of sharing content on a frequent basis continually inspires new ideas and reinforces a sense of purpose, like the flow of fresh water once a tap is opened. If you’re inspired to give this a go, then please share your ideas below, as another avenue to encourage creative flow via conversation!