How to Used Curd According to Ayurveda

Posted on the 05 December 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Curd is an essential part of an Indian diet, especially if you go down South. The people enjoy it with rice, in their desserts and even in their beverages. If you don’t happen to like milk, curd works as an excellent alternative. Curd has an instant cooling effect on the body, which could be one of the main reasons behind its popularity in the torrid regions of South India. It is a storehouse of good bacteria and aids in digestion.

It also happens to be good for your heart. Due to its high calcium and phosphorous content, it does wonders for teeth and bone health. Yet some experts advice against having the extremely nutritious bowl of curd at certain time in the day, especially during the nights.

According to Ayurveda, certain food timings and food combinations disturb the normal functionings of the body by upsetting the doshas. As per Ayurveda, each person is born with a life force that comprises the five elements or building blocks of nature: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space. We possess a unique balance of these five elements in varying degrees. This balance of elements is known as a dosha. There are three fundamental doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and good health is considered to be a perfect state of balance between these three doshas.

In Ayurveda, curd has both sour and sweet properties and it increases Kapha dosha in the body. During night, there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body. This imbalance can lead to excess mucus development in the nasal passages.

Ayurveda prescribes several precautions to eat yogurt during winter.Curd has been called Abhishyandi, which means that it increases phlegm and blockage. Therefore, if you eat yogurt during winter, then it is important to take some precautions.

Ayurveda states that one should be careful about three things while consuming curd directly or using…

Ayurveda state that one should be aware about three things while consuming curd directly or using in dishes.

  • Never heat curd– the molecular structure of curd will be alter if you heat the curd. Consuming heated curd can cause lesion, suffocation and swelling
  • Do not consumed curd in dinner– it better not to take curd in dinner because of its abhishyandi guna. As it block the strotas(channels)of body .
  • Not to eat yogurt everyday, because that may cause blockage of circulatory channels (srotas).
  • Not to mix dairy yoghurt with fresh fruits, milk, cheese, eggs, hot drinks, nightshades, lemons, meat or fish as these are incompatible food combinations.

As per the Ayurveda, curd pacifies vata, but increases kapha and pitta dosha. During the night, the Kapha Dosha upsurges. Thus, if the curd is consumed during the night, the effect of Kapha Dosha is augmented. Additionally, consumption of curd at night may also cause an imbalance in the Pitta Dosha.

Imbalance in the Kapha and Pitta Dosha may lead to several health issues such as:

  • Skin related disorders
  • Indigestion
  • Congestion in sinuses
  • Cold and cough
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Low libido
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Muscle spasms
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness