How to Upload Your Pinterest Verification Code to Your Website (Using Go Daddy)

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness
I'll admit, it's not a very inspired title for this post.  But I wanted to take a second to talk about the nuts and bolts of how to upload your Pinterest Verification Code to your website.  It's just a quick down and dirty of how to actually do it. There are a ton of people out there telling you that you need to verify your website to Pinterest, not to mention making sure you have a business Pinterest account and not just a personal account. But, since the actual process depends a little bit on who's hosting your WordPress site, not many people are telling you exactly how to get that little bit of code from your computer to your site, and so there's a bunch of folks trying to do it in WordPress and wondering why it's not working. So I wanted to give some quick instructions on the actual process of uploading this little bit of code.  It's not difficult at all, and it's a good thing to know how to do.  Why Do I Have To Do This in the First Place??!!Good question.  This whole website verification thing is Pinterest's way of making sure that you are the owner of the website you list as yours on your Pinterest site.  They figure if you can get in to the back end of the site and upload code, chances are, it's yours. This is so that other people can't impersonate you – something that's especially important if you're using Pinterest as a business owner!!!  Just think – if one of your rivals tried to link to your site as theirs in their Pinterest profile, it wouldn't be good for business at all.  So believe it or not, this is a good thing that you have to do.  And once you've learned how, you'll realize how very easy this is. How to Verify your GoDaddy Hosted Site1.Check your profile to make sure your website is listed (it's in your settings). 2.Click the button that says "Verify Website" 3.A 3-step list of instructions will pop up telling you to download the file from Pinterest, upload the file to your web server, then come back to Pinterest and click the button to confirm. 4.Click the link that says "Download the HTML Verification file"5.Navigate another browser tab or window to the GoDaddy site and click the My Account button on the top left corner. 6.Click the link for "Web Hosting" 7.Click the button that says "Launch" next to the website you are trying to verify. 8.On the top menu, look for the link that says "FTP File Manager" in the top menu. 9.Click on your root folder in the menu on the left side.  The root folder is the highest level folder in your directory.  10.On the top, select "Upload File" and click it.  Press the button to "Choose File" and browse to your downloads folder just like you would in any program.  Select the file you downloaded from Pinterest.  11.Press the yellow button marked "Ok" and then log out of your account.  12.Go back to Pinterest and click the "Click here" link at the end of the verification instructions.  Voila! You've just verified your site.  Pinterest will then verify that you've uploaded that tiny snippet of code to your website; once it "sees" that, it will mark your site as verified.  Easy peasy, I tell you!