How to Up Your Style Game in Easy Incremental Steps

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

One of the questions that Jill Chivers of Shop Your Wardrobe and I were asked recently by readers was “How to Up Your Style Game”. We thought it would prove an interesting topic for a video discussion and are sharing it with you here today.

How to Up Your Style Game so You Look and Feel Confident and Fabulous

There are lots of ways to improve your style and we recommend that you do it in baby-steps so that it doesn’t feel too alien or uncomfortable (particularly if you want to not feel conspicuous).  My Evolve Your Style program mentioned in this video is a great way of achieving a more stylish version of you, and it provides you with very small daily dressing challenges to help re-wire your style neural pathways.

Also, taking outfit pictures is another great way to assist you in improving your style as you will discover more and more about what does and doesn’t work for you as you analyze your images.   Read more here about how taking outfit photos can really assist you in upping your style.

Style isn’t necessarily innate.  In fact for many of us (including me) it’s a learned skill, hone over days, weeks and months (and even years) of trying new things, putting together outfits differently, adding accessories and just pushing yourself a little each day out of your ‘comfort zone’.

What have you found useful in improving your style?  Did you take small incremental steps or just go the “whole hog” at once?  I’d love to know!