How To Turn the Inside Of Your Home Into A Haunted House This Halloween?

By Amelia White

If you want to make your home ready for Halloween this year but are scared of how much money and time decorating may require, don’t fear. Here are some creative decoration ideas for Halloween that won’t cost you much. To start, just look around your house and discover all the spots that you can use for creating a spooky look and feel.
Make your staircase look spooky. Cut out black paper to make spiders and stick them all along the walls of the staircase. Display pumpkins on staircases. Carve a dreadful face, a spooky design or a silhouette on the pumpkins and light inside. Keep a fake skull on the newel post of the stair. Light a few white candles with blood oozing down through them. Put these candles over a paper towel and light a red candle over them until enough wax have been dripped over it to give the look of a fake blood oozing down the sides.
To get the Halloween look make your home’s ordinary floor look extraordinary by placing an old birdcage in the corner of a room. The door should be hanging open and there must be some fake rats at the bottom. If you have a vintage traditional style Indus black grey, beige, or gray rug carpet cover it up with fake blood. You can also have a spooky floor mat with a picture of a ghost or spider on it.
Buy some white coloured lace scraps from a fabric shop & wrap them up around the light weighed foam balls. Then put black sewing pins on each and every ghost’s head for their little eyes and hang them from the ceiling. Those hanging ghosts would give a vintage and eerie feel. You can also hang spiderwebs or witches’ hats all over the ceiling.
There are some tricks that you can use to make your furniture look creepy, abandoned and ready for the Halloween. What you can do is cover up your chairs and couches with white sheets. Pick old sheets as that would give your home the look that it hasn’t been used for long. If there are natural-looking holes in the sheets it would be an added advantage. You can also cover up your tables with old and torn black tablecloths and drape your bookcase in spiderwebs.

                   Create the festive scene at your home with these easy decorations. These are some of the home decorating ideas for Halloween that won’t cost you much. So, decorate the inside of your house with these fun and easy tricks and give your home a spook-tacular look.