How To Transfer Your Blogger Blog From One Account To The Other

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Babanature @proudlyonenaija

Let me start my today post with a nice story, shall we!. Sometime back somebody approached and asked me, if I would love to sell one of my blogs. The offer he gave was mouth watering that it was impossible to say NO, but there was a problem. Would you like to know the problem? The blog he wanted to buy from me, was hosted on a blogger platform and the email id i am using with my blogger blog, is my personal Gmail account . It was also difficult to sell the site because I have 3 other websites hosted on that same blogger dashboard. If it were you, what would you do?

After much argument, he convinced me that he can manage that particular blog without having access to my main blogger dashboard. How can that be possible? All I have to do is make him an admin and remove myself as an admin to that particular site, by doing that, it will give him the right to own that particular blog . I did what he says and I successfully sold the site to him.

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Seriously! I also did not know if something like this would be possible until that buyer showed me the simple steps and today we are going to learn that simple step as well in case of future tens

How To Transfer Your Blog From One Account To The Other

Before i continue with my post, let me first let you all know that this post is a special request from a good friend who wants to also sell his blogger blog. Now let’s proceed to the topic at hand

Why Do I Need This?

You might need it for reasons like; giving a newbie blogger an adsense ready blog, selling it to a problogger, investor or company who finds your blog interesting or hoping your blog would yield them good income in the future or which ever reasons that you might think of…

Moving your blog between accounts? How does this work?

According to Google support: You can do this by making the blog in question a team blog, with two members, then removing the original team member. So how can we achieve this? By following some easy steps, you can achieve this.

How do we make the transfer?

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Now follow the simple step below and you will be able to transfer your blog

Go to you blogger dashboard and click on the blog you want to give out >>> click Settings.

Are you there yet? If yes, scroll down to the “Permissions” section >>> Click on “Add Author” [See image below]

After clicking the “Add author” button, it will bring out a box. Now type the email address of the person you are transferring the blog to in the provided box >>> Click the “Invite author” button. Now you’ll wait till he accepts the invitation [See image below]

Once he accepts the invitation, you will be notified through your email. Now he will have his own dashboard to control the blog as an author. Now to give him proper (total) control of the blog, follow the blow steps.

Go back to your settings >>> Basic >>> in the “Permission” area, you will see the two accounts there. Simply change the other account from author to admin [See image below]

If you have changed it to admin, you can now delete your account from the blog. Doing this, the blog will know longer be in your dashboard. You have successfully sold/ remove/ give/ your blogger blog to a new user

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If you delete your account as admin from that blog, all your images on all the posts you’ve made so far on that particular blog will also be deleted. That is the only side effect of the whole process. But aside that everything will go normal as possible.

Hope I made the tutorial as simple as possible, and I also hope that you understand the post clearly? If not, please do let me know what part you don’t understand and I’ll surely put you through ASAP.

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