If you’re wondering how to teach your child to love theater, you’ve taken on a commendable task. It’s a highly gratifying experience to see your child’s expression at her or his first musical show. You will open up a whole new world for your kids when you expose them to live theater at a young age. It may also develop into a passion for taking part in theater as they grow.
This applies to children of both genders. Boys or girls shouldn’t have to choose between the arts or sports. The theater is a place that accepts all kinds of people, whether they also enjoy football, gymnastics or the Math Club. But you probably already are aware of the benefits that theater can give your child. Let’s move on to how you can go about introducing your child to it.
How To Plan Your Child’s First Theater Experience
Before you take your kids to their first play, there are a few things you should think about. You will need to put some thought into the first experience to make sure you keep your child interested in subsequent visits.
Start by choosing a performance that is child friendly. The material should be appropriate for kids the age of your little one. This is an extremely important step, in order to make sure it keeps the child interested. Many professional performances don’t deal with subjects that are suitable for young kids. In fact, some of them may not even admit children. Always check the details of the show and call the theater for more information before you buy tickets online.
You can always begin with a production by a Kids Theater. Such productions are usually short – many of them run for less than an hour. This ensures that your child doesn’t start getting fidgety or distracted if forced to watch for too long.
For a first visit to the theater, it is always wise to get an aisle seat. This will help if your child needs to leave the theater for some reason or doesn’t enjoy the show.
Prepare your child for the show and get him excited. Explain to your child what they will be seeing. Let him know that you will be taking him to a live theater. Describe what a live theater is. Paint a positive picture in his head and he will be more receptive to the show. Also tell him about the plot of the show he will be going to. Explain the characters and the setting, so that he will enjoy watching something familiar played out. If it’s a show that’s based on a book, it’s a good idea to read it together with your child.
Explain theater etiquette to your child. Tell him how he will be expected to behave. You could try playing a little game at home incorporating theater etiquette in the weeks following up to the performance. Kids love games and can learn more through them.