How to Target Boomers and Beyond with Direct Marketing

Posted on the 19 November 2013 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

There isn’t a gold watch at retirement in their future, and if they catch you using the term “golden years” in your direct marketing, you will wish you could turn back the clock on your bad judgment.

Boomers and seniors, a diverse group definable only by an age bracket, is a target market unlike any other. They are more likely to be rocking in second careers than in chairs on patios. And many have enough disposable income to be formidable consumers — and this consumer base is growing. Although only 13 percent of the U.S. population is 65 or older today, the United States Census Bureau projects this population to more than double by 2060.

There’s Still a Place for the Classics

So how do integrated marketers reach this highly invested group?

Love & Company created a two-year research plan to gain insight into seniors’ views and responses to direct mail. It turns out that direct mail is one classic that Boomers and beyond still embrace.

Here is how to get the most out of your direct marketing investment with this target audience, according to the researchers at Love & Company:


  • Larger or more complex direct mail do not always generate enough response to justify the added cost.
  • Email marketing is generally not an effective lead generator among older seniors.

Call-To Action

  • Today’s seniors are comfortable calling to RSVP for an event or learn more information; reply cards are often an unnecessary expense.


  • Straightforward works best. Don’t try to be too cute with your approach or offer details that cloud the core purpose of the mailing.
  • Today’s younger, active seniors may not associate themselves with “retirement” yet, so use the term selectively.

Researchers also learned that mailing list hygiene is critical. For how-to ideas, read “Connect More Directly by Using List Segmentation.”