How to Take the Perfect Family Beach Photo

By Swimsuitsdirect @Swimsuitsdirect

Great looking swimsuit? Check. Smiling faces? Check. Perfect family beach photo? Check! Taking the perfect picture of your clan can be simple if you keep a few thoughts in mind. Here are five steps for better photographs.

  1. Notice the Background

People don’t always pick up after themselves while at the beach, which means there could be some errant paper cups and chip bags sneaking into your picture. Make a quick scan of the ground so you aren’t photo bombed by a garbage can or clumps of seaweed.

  1. Focus on the People

Any time you have a great scene, it can be tempting to try to include it with the people. This usually ends with a poor picture of both subjects. Instead, make the family the focus and the beach will stay as a backdrop. You’ll still capture the feeling of where you are, but you’ll have the most important focal point.

  1. Watch the Horizon Line

Nothing shouts amateur like a line cutting through the head or neck of a person. Keep the horizon line, where the sun meets the water, lower or higher than the subject. Be careful to keep the line straight, as well.

  1.  Be Wary of Harsh Lighting

No one looks good squinting, so take advantage of cloud cover if you have it. If not, try putting the people under an umbrella or tree. Evening hours are an excellent time to snap because the natural lighting is softer.

  1. Remember Where You Are

Most likely you’re shooting at the beach because you want to capture the enjoyment of being there. So, let your family have fun. You’ll see more smiles if everyone is allowed to be free and natural, rather than standing like they are in a studio.

Beautiful photographs of your family are possible at the beach, providing you do a bit of planning. Remember where you want the focus to be, what you want to capture, and then allow the subjects to enjoy themselves.