How to Take Proper Care of Your Spin Mop?

By Kravelv

Mops might not be on everyone’s mind when they think of an annual cost they could drastically reduce, but it’s true. Nowadays, mopping is about more than slapping a large wedge of cotton onto a stick and calling it a day. Mop technology has gone past that, creating new and exciting ways to get rid of liquids, spills, stains and dirt on your kitchen and living room floor without inconvenience. From a simple mop to a spin mop, steam mop, industrial mop and more, the market is full of products that promise to be the best at being easy to maintain.

But calling yourself the best and being called the best are two different things. That’s what sets apart Fuller, one of the largest brands in the mop market – and their new spin mop. However, every mop has one thing in common – sooner or later, you’ll have to get a new one.

Although mops aren’t the priciest thing on your grocery list, not being frugal with your mop can soon pile up into hefty annual costs. With good maintenance, proper care, and the right tips and tricks under your sleeve, you can easily take a any mop and have it last you for far longer than the average mop head – thus saving yourself unnecessary costs, and putting a little extra cash in your pocket.

Cleaning and Rinsing

Although there are a number of different techniques involved in cleaning a mop head depending on its material, we will today look at the spin mop, and the materials that it uses – specially-woven polyester microfiber yarn loops. Microfiber is special in that it’s designed specifically to absorb dirt and liquids in ways other cloth-types cannot. According to CleanLink, it removes up to 99 percent of bacteria from non-porous surfaces entirely without the use of harsh chemicals. According to AutoGeek, its absorbing qualities come from its unique looped structure.

This is usually how it’s going to go:

  1. Get a bucket of hot (not boiling) water, and a cup of white vinegar (the strongest kind.) As per the New Homemaker, vinegar is a miracle cleaner because it’s non-toxic and extremely affordable. Alternatively, if you want a less odorous yet potentially more expensive option, a cup of pure concentrated lemon juice works too.
  1. Rinse the mop head in the bucket again and again until the water comes out entirely clear.
  1. Then, hang the mop out in full sunshine if possible, to give it an added bleaching effect on top of the drying.

Taking Alternative Measures

An alternative measure is to use a washing machine, although these are only a good idea for ones that are machine washable. Fuller’s spin mop, as an example, is not machine-washing friendly. You can, however, pop the mop in an empty dishwasher, with some vinegar in the detergent cup and the machine at the hottest setting.

After a few washes, even the best of these tools begin to go a little brittle and ineffective. When you start to see a drastic difference in the composition of the microfibers and their ability to absorb spills, it’s time to look for spin mop replacement heads.