How to Take Charge of Your Own Inner Peace

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
Here are some thoughts that might (or might not) have crossed your mind.
1. Is God omniscient (all-knowing)?
Most people would answer yes to that question.
2. Does God allow you to make choices in your life?
Again, most people would say yes.
What is the point?  Actually the point is this brings up an interesting dilemma for some people.  Since it is widely assumed God is a loving God, then do these questions mean:
a. God knows bad things that will happen to you and does not stop them?
b. God's plan can be thwarted in the short term?
c. You could die before God's plan for you is carried out?
d. All of the above or none of the above?
These things seem to bring into doubt things about God that people generally believe.  This includes things like his omniscience and his loving character.  Without these characteristics, is God what we always thought?
These posts are here to answer questions such as these.  In fact, the answer is pretty simple (to spoil it).
God is all knowing and loving.
Yes, But: How does one answer the questions above?  Yes, they are formidable questions. First, God is a mystery and impossible for humans to explain.  However, what we can know from the Bible is God's character.
When questions like these are left unanswered it leads some to question their faith.  So, in the name of these blog posts, are some partial responses to each question:
a. God knows bad things that will happen to you and does not stop them?
It is fair to make this assessment.  The point is that God allows to make mistakes in your life, yet he still uses them to work ultimately for your own good. 
If God stopped these things from happening you might not learn what he wants you to learn.
b. God's plan can be thwarted in the short term?
"Thwart" is a funny word.  A response to this is that people do things that God does not want them to do, but he does not want to force his will on them.
God's plan does not end in this life.
c. You could die before God's plan for you is carried out?
This is related a little bit to the previous question.
God's plan will ultimately be carried out, regardless of what people do.  It might be in the Age To Come, but it will be carried out.  For a Christian physical death is not the end of the story, but rather the beginning.
God can also use death for your own good.
d. All of the above or none of the above?Going by the responses above it seems all 3 of these could be correct.  However, that is only part of the story.  It is like looking at the Cross and not the Resurrection of Jesus.  The fact that you have unanswered questions about God should not lead to a lack of faith.
Here is the catch-all response to God's omniscience and human free will for this post:
God knows what you will choose with free will and uses it to fit in his plan for you.
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