I recently took the plunge and bought myself a DSLR camera, it's my first ever DSLR and the first time I have used one, but as I continue with my blog adventure, my love of taking photos grows - I find taking photos enjoyable and I'm getting slightly addicted (in a good way).
Buying your camera is the first step, and they can be quite expensive, thus maintaining your camera in order to get the best out of it is the most important step. Without the proper care and maintenance, your camera will deteriorate with time and you won't sustain the quality you need or want from your camera.
After receiving my camera I carried out research on how best to care for my camera, and below are some easy care tips I have adopted:Strap - Get your camera a strap and use it! If you drop your camera then it will likely break or end up damaged. With the strap you can carry your camera more confidently, especially when you are out and about.Storing - Find a safe place to store your camera, a dust-free environment at a reasonable temperature and humidity level, and somewhere little hands can't get hold of it. I store my camera on the top shelve in my cupboard, and always in the camera bag.Camera bag - Keep it in a protective camera bag, thus a bag dedicated to protecting your camera, it will be safer when you store it at home, but also whilst you are out and about. Remember to keep your camera bag clean. Dirt and dust will gather in your bag and giving it a quick clean, will help keep your camera in good condition.Lens cap - Your lens is probably the most valuable part of the camera, thus you should take extra care and use a lens cap, which will protect your lens from damage and dust/dirt.Cleaning - It's advisable not to use just any old cloth, especially your t-shirt, as to clean your lens this way could damage it. All you really need to keep your lens clean is a package of inexpensive lens cleaning tissue and some lens cleaning fluid. Although, it is recommended that you use a rocket blower to blow away dust and other particles, which may cause scratches on the glass when you are cleaning it with the fiber cloth.