How to Take Care of Indoor Plants

By Gfl

Indoor plants are a great way to enhance the ambiance in our living quarters. These green members also purify that air in our homes and this ensures that we breathe clean air every time we are in our homes. Plants, however, require proper maintenance to remain healthy and vibrant. Failure to provide indoor plants with proper care could see them wither and die. Plants, just like other living creatures, require water and nutrients to thrive. Owners of these plants should, therefore, find time to feed and water their indoor plants. This, however, is not enough to keep your plants healthy. To help indoor plant owners in this regard, here are tips on how to take care of your indoor plants.

1. Know your plants

All plants require water, nutrients, and sunlight for survival but different plant species require varied amounts of each of these vital resources. There is no standard way to take care of plants and adopting a blanket approach when it comes to plant care and maintenance could be detrimental to your plants. There are plants that require moist soils and indirect sunlight to thrive such as the ficus tree. Others require a lot of light and dry soils to thrive such as cacti and plant owners should make an effort to understand the plants they are about to acquire to be able to provide them with the best care.

2. Provide adequate lighting

Plants require light to be able to make food and plant owners should make sure that their plants can access enough of it. This entails strategically placing your plants where they can access lots of natural light such as close to a window. Use binds to reduce the intensity of the sunlight if you feel that the natural light is too much for your plants. If your plants require a lot of light to thrive, place them close to a south-facing window. If they require moderate sun, place them before north-facing windows.

3. Water them regularly

Water is another resource that plants require to thrive. You should come up with a schedule for watering your plants so as to avoid alternating periods of floods and drought at the roots. Plants should have their roots moist and not wet. Plant owners should, therefore, observe caution when watering their plants so as not to flood the plants. Plants also have different watering requirements and owners should read plant labels carefully to determine the right watering routine.

4. Prevent pest problems

Pests and diseases can attack a plant and cause it to wither. Plant owners should be on the lookout for pest and signs of disease and isolate the affected plants so as to prevent the pests and diseases from spreading.


Your house plants will wither if you don’t take care of them properly. To provide your plants with the best condition to thrive, you can also use a grow tent for your indoor plants. Read a review here of the best grow tents to use for this purpose.