How to Take a Selfie?

Posted on the 02 May 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Selfie is what’s running the generation these days, no one snaps just “pictures”, everyone’s up for Selfies. Heck, right now there are about a dozen cell phones, targeted specifically around “Selfies”, that explains their popularity. So, how about a piece on How to take a Selfie?

If you ask Wikipedia, of what Selfies are, here’s what it voices out- “A selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick.”.

Ah, guess what, not just the people, even the Oxford dictionary recognizes the term now.

Now, there’s a whole level of science that came up with how to take a perfect selfie. How about we focus on the minute details of what the Selfie actually should focus on, right?

Basic Definition:-

I won’t complicate things for you, if you take a picture, of yourself or your group, holding the camera in your own hands, then it’s a selfie. Now, what makes a Selfie great? Anybody can stand in front of the mirror, or use their cell phones’ front cameras and snap images, right?

But not every Selfie is worth sharing, huh? So let’s work around how to take a good selfie!

Here’s How to Take a Selfie that’s Perfect


Well, yes that’s what selfies primarily consist of, the face of the person holding the camera. You can expose your body a bit, but the primary concern is the face.

Although, there’s no definite hard and fast rules on how to take the best selfie, still Lightening is a great controlling factor of how your Selfie is gonna look like.

So let’s work around tweaking the lights around your selfie.

How to Take a Selfie on Sunset Or Sunrise:-

These are technically the two best times around which you should click your Selfies. Well, just because the angles and “threads” of light at those peculiar hours are just magnificent.

One of the best locations, at that specific time, is your window. Well, the glass reflects and refracts the light in such a way, that it comes out filtered on the other end, taking your selfies to another end of the universe!

How to Take a Perfect Selfie Using a Piece of Paper:

If I tell you that a piece of paper can guide your selfies towards perfection, you would probably say I’ve gone mad, well, I’ve not.

Instead of trying to debate this, and trying to prove me wrong, go out and try to place a piece of paper, below your chin while taking your next selfie.

A white piece of paper to be exact, and see for yourselves how the light is reflected and your selfie is illuminated with the best possible color game.

Walk Away Rule:-

Well, it’s natural for you to pick up your cellphone, think of taking a selfie, and then confuse yourself with the angle of your nose, strands of your hairs, and your expressions.

Which overall, just makes you extremely self-conscious, and as a result, your selfie looks like shit. The best way out of it is, “Walk Away”. Well, yes. At moments when you aren’t sure about your face or expressions, or afraid of being too “imperfect”, just walk away.

A couple of minutes later, come back, and snap the selfie, immediately, without thinking much.

This reduces a lot of problems, and you get a natural portrait instead of a framed one, which is totally identifiable as being “posed” and not natural, which totally kills the spirit of what makes a good selfie.


Well, no matter how beautiful, or “not so beautiful” you are, photo filters are just the magic wand your selfies need. Try to get your hands on the best possible filters out there, I’ say “Valencia” filter on Instagram is one of the best.

After clicking the selfies, pass them through some of the filters available out there till you find your match. And once you do, you shouldn’t have a problem editing it to perfection!

Take Multiple Shots:-

According to Nick Barose, taking the perfect selfie in one go is not everyone’s cup of tea. So he suggests, in order to take the best possible selfie, with the best possible angle, lightening, and overall performance, it’s a good option to take more than once pictures.

Of course, using different angles and lightening methods can help make them diverse, and an overall variation in the total results can be seen.

If you’re more serious about a “perfect selfie”, what you can do is, you can take, say 10 shots. Then look at each shot for that shot’s perfection. For e.g., in one shot, the lightening might be perfect, in another angle.

So overall, just find out the perfect elements of each selfie, and then take one new fresh shot, combining all the elements of those perfect shots, for e.g., repeat that same perfect angle.

And lightning and everything else into this one shot, so that all those perfect elements can now be integrated into this one single shot.

And behold! You have your perfect Selfie to share on any kind of social media you might be interested in, so that’s it, folks, probably you don’t have any questions regarding how to take a selfie after this point, right? Yes, I guessed it already!