How to Survive Holiday Cooking

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Do you dread cooking for the holidays? Is the jolliness overshadowed by the stress of trying to do everything by yourself?

The holiday season is meant to be fun for all, including the cook! Today, I've given you tips to make your holiday cooking less stressful and more fun! Utilizing these tips will have you spending less time in the kitchen and more time celebrating with friends and family!

Head on over to Miranda's awesome cooking blog, Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt to learn how to survive holiday cooking!

P.S. You should check out her amazing gingerbread cupcakes with white chocolate frosting on our blog!

About The Author

Liz is a twenty-something Missouri native who loves cupcakes and music. In her spare time, she can be found roaming St. Louis with her pup, Motley Crue, and cooking up her favorite family recipes.