How to Style Statement Necklaces?
By Tanvi Rastogi
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Jewelery is rightly said to be a piece of art, it can make
things around it beautiful. Necklaces have gone through tremendous
transformation in these few years. Previously it was about the petite
and small jewelry just to make an outfit look good, now it's all about
big chunky ones and small ones all together, layering them to create a
'beautiful mess'. A statement necklace can light up an outfit and help
you ooze glamour if worn correctly, and if not, it can make you look
like a wanna be fashion baby or like a jewelry box. Few quick tips:
Dressing up according to the venue and occasion is the basic and most
important rule. You cannot wear the best of your chunky jewelry to
office, but that doesn't mean you cant accessorise with office
jewellery. Avoid wearing choker necklaces to office. Select one with
good length which will sit comfortably through layers of office wear.
Select the color of your accessories appropriately. You do not want to
look like a painters palette by incorporating all the colours in one
look. Simple rule to be followed here, if your outfit is more
towards earthy colours, spruce up your outfit with bright coloured
jewellery and tone down your bright coloured outfit with basic coloured
• Lastly to help you serve the
purpose of donning those amazingly beautiful pieces, coordinate the
colour of your necklace with another accessory for your outfit, be it a
belt, bag or shoes.