How To Steer Clear Of Disaster At Your Next Company Exhibition

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Attending exhibitions is an essential form of marketing for your , and you can pick up a lot of contacts at these events as well as mingle and talk with your competition. It is essential that you make the most out of attending such exhibitions and you will need to do plenty of advanced planning to ensure that everything comes together for a successful event.

Best Tips to Planning Your First Company Exhibition

If you are planning your first exhibition, here are some tips to make sure that it is a huge success.

1) The Key To Success Is Planning

Before you attend an event for the first time as an exhibitor, it is a good idea to go to the event as a visitor, as this will give you an idea whether it could be beneficial to your company or not. Some exhibitions are better than others, and it is just a case of taking a look and seeing if there is any potential there for your company. You will need to plan your exhibition stand including both the layout, as well as the colours you will use.

There are many exhibition stands contractors and builders in the UK, so you will be able to find one quickly enough using the internet that is local to you. You will need to plan everything from lighting and sound, to electrical outlets, refreshments and the staff rota. Advanced planning can help you get things right the first time around, and gain a return on investment for your business through attending.

2) Choosing A Good Location

You will need to choose a location at the exhibition that is going to get plenty of foot traffic, and making your display eye-catching will also help to draw people to your stand. There is a premium often to be paid for the best locations, but it can be worth paying for, especially if it helps to make your attendance a success.

3) Not Too Loud

One way that you can get the attention of people is by using a sound system and even video screens. Using this technology is an excellent way to grab their attention , but it is also important to note that if it is too loud, then they will just walk away. Keep your sound levels to a tolerable level and do not worry about trying to out-blast your neighbours.

4) Blinded By The Lights

Lights and lasers are also another excellent way to grab the attention of people as they walk by your stand, but make sure that they are not too bright or glaring, as this can put people off, as well as cause headaches.

5) Put Your Best Foot Forward

You will want to make sure that the members of staff that attend the event with you are the very best representatives of your company. They will want to be bright, energetic, friendly, as well as highly knowledgeable about your business and its services or products. You have one chance to make a first impression, so choose wisely!

These tips should see you on the way to having a successful exhibition, and you can also get some good advice on various references online for companies attending a show for the first time. Do your research, a lot of planning, and invest in a high-quality exhibition stand and your event will hopefully be a resounding success and the first of many.