How to Start a Website – Domain, Host & Design Software

By Lindaluke @coachlindaluke

I see the same questions asked over and over again about starting a coaching or online business. So, I'm going to write some very simple posts to help. Here is the first one and the question is:

How do I start a website?

There are 3 things you need to start a website.

Domain - A domain is the name and address of your website on the internet. It is what shows up in the search bar and what you will link to when sending people to your site. Resources for domains include:

Website Host - The hosting company will make your site accessible on the internet and offer support and features to manage it. Popular hosting companies include:

Website Building Software - This will help you load content and create the look of your site. There are many programs available, but the gold standard is - and it's free. WordPress can be downloaded from their website or through your hosting company.

WordPress has beautiful themes or frameworks to work from and offers unlimited possibilities for what you can create or add to your site. It has a proven record of long term success and is not likely to go out of business.

Simple things to keep in mind:
  • These 3 things need to be done in the above order
  • All website building platforms have a learning curve. They may look overwhelming at first, but are relatively easy to learn.
  • There are many companies offering customized sites, but I have seen clients run into trouble with these when the companies went under and support was no longer available.
  • With a WordPress site, you will always be able to find someone to work on it if needed.
If you would like more support in this area, I am a professional business coach and would love to help. You can learn more by emailing: or contacting me here.
