How to Start a Travel Blog in Africa

Posted on the 24 May 2017 by Rahulthepcl

Every blog gets started from an interesting idea or exciting moments. If you have something to share or narrate about you can create a profile and regularly update the content. The modern blog grounds, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, of course, have thousands of blogger's accounts.

The blogging is an excellent way to draw up more friends, more people to speak with, represent yourself and make money! Today, most of the popular YouTube channel, which gets subscribers, hundred thousands of viewers and likes. Later, the views turn into the profitable business. People blog about everything you can imagine - from car life, traveling and science to animals treatment, nature and children's life. The traveling is a great topic for blogging. This is an interesting kind of activity anyway, one of the best ways to calm down the human's interest, feel something new and release the stress. And if you live in a place, which opens the great opportunities in traveling you can consider this as jackpot! Crunchy Tricks has found out how to start

    Traveling as a popular blogging subject
a traveling blog about Africa!
If you are looking for the proven internet resources check out naij, where you can find anything you want about Africa traveling
    Traveling and blogging with amazing Africa
Africa is a place, where everything is mixed up! Some countries still have very weak and poor standard of living, but it helps to keep the original culture. South Africa is developing pretty quick, showing great economic potential, but true virgin natural beauties surround it. From a different point of view, Africa can be one of the best places to live. At least, people who enjoy living in natural harmony think this way!
Start traveling and make a blog about beautiful Africa. That's not only a kind of entertainment but also a good way to make real money. If you're live in one of the African countries it makes your blogging easier - you have access to the beautiful environment. All you need to do is just follow the next steps:
  1. Make a plan of your traveling route and schedule the time. In Africa, you can find an endless amount of interesting stuff to shoot. This kind of activity shouldn't be too chaotic. However, you can get ready for everything and not think about traveling schedule - just what you want to do!
  2. Pick up your camera, set it up and start collecting the material for the first vlog! If you are going to post videos you need to conclude a contract with a web-site, that you will post these videos at. Such internet resources as YouTube offer exceptional circs for bloggers, who try to move their blogs up. For the pictures, you can choose between Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, WordPress, Google+, etc. However, if you blog is made mostly of pictures you have to hone your writing skills up. A quality of the text support will influence the quality of the content in general.
  3. If you are going to start blogging on a commercial basis, you have to find out the features of the contract. Also, this would help you to keep your financial situation up, while you are away from the house.
  4. Use the internet or ask the traveling agencies for help if you need more information about exotic places or warnings about danger. Forums are very useful as well.

See Also: - Top 7 Ways To Actually Make Money Online In Africa

This all looks pretty straightforward, but what are you going to do if you live in a different country? What will the traveling adventure start from, if the card nuances are even more important? Well:

  • At first, you need to think about papers. Find more information on the forums, ask people, who can help you and visit embassies. Make sure everything to be nice and legal.
  • Take care of the financial part of the deal. Save some extra bucks for the future, as they can save the unexpected situations. Now the half of the job is done.
  • Create a plan of the traveling route for your adventures. Choose the most interesting places to visit so this will make your blog very attractive. Set your camera up, pack your bags and make your dreams come true!
  • Luckily, there are a lot of internet resources, where you can dig up anything you want.
See Also: - 5 Types of Popular Online Jobs Without Investment

Do it right now!
People, who have already experienced traveling around Africa will kindly share their experience and give you the pieces of advice. In the end, it's just an exciting adventure caught on tape and uploaded on the web!