How to Spring Clean Your Closet!

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores

For me and many people, the idea of “spring cleaning” is much less fun than it sounds. I am not the type of person who cleans like a cartoon princess, using the help of forest animals and the power of a cheery song to do my dirty work.

I usually throw on old sweats, a headband, and a grimace before I start getting knee-deep into my garage or attic. I dislike cleaning almost as much as I love the feeling of a sparkly clean home.

Now that we are fully into spring, it is time to consider how we can best spruce up our homes for the year and set ourselves up for a great place come summertime. One of the challenges of cleaning is learning a better way to organize your stuff.

Closets are especially challenging as they often function as a storage space and disorganized clothes organization place all at once.

However, your closet is probably also an unintended graveyard for many of the clothes and accessories you no long are in need for. If you are looking for great motivation to help clear out your closet and reorganize it this spring, read this article today!

Read the full article here: