How to Select the Perfect Edible Flowers

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

How to select the perfect edible flowers

Flowers are often thought of as decorative items but there are also those that can be used in various dishes. The key is to select the right flowers for use in food and beverages. Firstly, it is essential that you choose blooms that are not toxic. Secondly, they are best sourced from organic growers which means that they are free of pesticides. Thirdly, you need to consider the way in which you want to use your flowers or the dish you want to prepare.

Frozen flowers

If you want to make colourful and interesting ice cubes for your drinks, you can add fresh flowers! They are excellent for adding to individual glasses or your punch bowl. Simply add petals (rose petals are often the best option) to your ice tray. One petal per ice cube is usually sufficient. Add water, freeze and enjoy! You can make delicious popsicles with flowers too. Simply fill your popsicle moulds with a transparent juice (like lemonade) and add flower petals. Freeze and enjoy a colourful and delicious treat!


Make your favourite salad and top with select flowers. Make sure that you choose the right flowers to complement the flavour of the salad. Marigolds are a popular addition because they have a citrus yet peppery flavour. Chive flowers can add that touch of tang whereas chrysanthemums have a lovely sweet taste.


Flowers are not only for decorating and enhancing your meals. You can also use them to make your cocktails even more appealing. They can be muddled like you do mint for your fresh mojitos. Another option is to add a colourful bloom to the straw or rim of the glass as a lovely touch of tropical décor.


Fancy adding some colour to your sweet treats? Simply select the right flowers! Cakes are often decorated with flowers like roses. You can also add them to your favourite biscuits. If you are not all that keen on using fresh flowers, you can always make sugar or gum paste flowers instead. Not only do they add colour, but they also add extra sweetness.

Over and above everything, remember that quality is the most important thing of all. You should only buy flowers from a reputable florist and they should always be thoroughly cleaned before used.