How to Save on Monthly Bills

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

When you opened your last utility bill, did it ruin your day? Did it ruin your budget? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, it’s time for you to take back control over your energy expenses.

The rising costs imposed by energy companies may not be within your control, but how you consume that energy is. You don’t have to turn off the thermostat completely to lower your bill, though. Here are five easy tips that can help you decrease both your energy consumption and your household expenses.

1. Adjust the thermostat.

Research shows that adjusting the temperature on your thermostat and hot water heater by just one or two degrees can make a big impact on your energy bill. Changing the air conditioner in the summer time and the heater in the winter will still provide you with the comfort of climate control without the whopping energy bill. The same is true for the water heater; if you set it for several degrees lower, you can still enjoy hot water whilst using less energy.

2. Upgrade your household appliances.

This may seem costly, but it’s really an investment. Older appliances consume far more energy than ones that were manufactured in the last few years. In addition, many manufacturers include smart labelling on appliances that inform you of their energy consumption rate, or they have been certified green. If you switch out a refrigerator, washing machine, or dryer for a newer model, you could notice a big drop on your next energy bill.

3. Know your options.

Many consumers do everything they can to save on energy at home, but they often overlook the most important piece of energy-saving advice: check your tariff. To be more specific, research the rates that other energy companies are offering, and then compare them to your own. You may not be getting the find cheapest gas and electricity available.

4. Dress for the occasion.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but many people simply overlook the usefulness of bundling up in the winter and dressing down in the summer. Especially if you’re at home, you’re free to wear as much (or as little) as you want to keep comfortable. If you change your wardrobe, you may find that step #1, adjusting the thermostat, won’t be so bad.

5. Do yearly maintenance on your home.

Just like you have to dress for the season, so should your home. Before cold weather sets in, it is important to check all the cracks and corners of your home and its foundation to make sure that your energy will stay put inside. This includes checking the pipes for adequate insulation as well as the hot water heater, adding or repairing weatherstripping around doors and windows, and searching for drafty places that should be blocked. This will keep your cooled air from escaping in the summer as well as keeping heated air inside when winter comes.

6. Change the way you use lighting.

Lighting makes up a significant portion of the energy expenses of any home, and there are ways to save in this area as well. To start, you can switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents, which use far less energy. Then, reconsider the way you use your lights. Everyone knows that it is important to shut off the lights whenever leaving a room, but if your home has wide windows or floor to ceiling glass, why should you use the lights at all during the day time?