How to Save Money on Grocery Shopping

Posted on the 01 May 2020 by Melissa Jiggetts @jiggettsmelissa

Preparing beforehand for your visit to the grocery store is a great way to make sure you stick to your spending budget. However, there are some other strategies you can use to help make keeping a budget easy and make shopping a much more enjoyable experience. In this post, we will discuss how to save money on grocery shopping with a few of my favorite tips.

How Much Do People Spend on Groceries

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Americans spend an average of 11 percent of what they make on food. Only 6 percent of that, however, is spent on groceries, the other 5 percent is spent dining out.

The average person is spending $162 – $345 per month on groceries while the average family is spending $570 – $1298. Of course, the amount everyone spends vary on locations and stores.

Luckily, with some practice, this budget calculator tool, a grocery list, and the right spending habits, you can save some money on your groceries.

How to Save Money Grocery Shopping

Here are a few of my favorite ways to save while shopping and still load up on tasty and healthy foods.

Salad Mixes

Sure, bagged salad mixes are convenient, but they are expensive and may go from crisp and fresh to wilted to decidedly slimy in a heartbeat. Opt for purchasing heads of lettuce instead, and make your very own mixes.

Try mixing up romaine, radicchio, red leaf, escarole, or any other head lettuce that is looking fresh. You can store your mix in a gallon with a zipper in your crisper. 

The key to longevity? Once you wash and cut your greens, make sure they are completely dry before putting them in the fridge.

Purchasing food at the grocery is only half the battle. Being on top of how rapidly your fruits are ripening and moving it to the fridge or away from its hyper ripening neighbors might help cut down on food waste.


Spices are key to keeping your meals tasty and healthy. They offer up bold flavors so that you can cut back on added salt and sugar. Which is a plus if you have health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension.

The disadvantages are that they can be expensive plus =they have a short shelf life. Following a year or two to simply sit around, they do not retain their flavor well.

For spices that you have a tendency to use less frequently, consider buying them from the bulk section the price per ounce is frequently more affordable, and you may buy just what you need. This way you are less likely to have old spices sitting around which are ready for the trash can-a serious waste of cash.

Organic foods

Organic foods tend to cost more than foods that are not organic. Every year, the Environmental Working Group puts out a listing of the highest and lowest. Strawberries, spinach, and kale topped the list of worst offenders last year, while avocados, sweet corn, and pineapple had been the cleanest. 

So the key to buying organics is to prioritize which ones you buy. For 12 Foods You Should Purchase Organic to help tailor your shopping list visit here.

Also, certain stores have organics for cheaper prices than others, so it may be best to shop in stores like Walmart or Costco to get better prices.

Club Memberships

Warehouse club stores, like Costco or Sam’s Club, are an upfront investment because they charge you a one-year membership fee ranging anywhere from $45-$60. While throwing down money only to walk in the door doesn’t sound like a great money-saving strategy, it can pay off in the long term, particularly if you focus your shopping efforts on staples like extra virgin olive oil, nuts, dried fruits, and pasta.

These items can frequently be half the price of the same product at a conventional grocery.

Generic Products

If you are like me and not very loyal to one brand then you may want to try switching to a generic brand. Contrary to old beliefs generic brands like Kroger, Kirkland, and Signature, just to name a few, make some really tasty products.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do still buy things like Heinz ketchup and Pepsi but I am okay with drinking any brand cola and I don’t care what Mayonaise I buy. As long as it tastes good to me and my family, the brand is just a label.

Your family may have their preferences as well but I always tell my kids. “don’t knock it, till you try it!” So you may wan’t to test out a few generic products and you may be surprised.


Saving money on your groceries may seem hard but it doesn’t have to be. With a little planning and a few changes here and there you will be on your way to achieving your goals and saving money.

This newly saved money will help you to be able to pay down debts, put towards other goals, or just increase your overall savings. So try one of these tips the next time you are out shopping and maybe you will even find more ways to save.

We would love to hear from you: What do you find to be the hardest thing to save money on when grocery shopping? What advice would you give to someone trying to save money grocery shopping?