How to Save and Load Game in Godot Engine

Posted on the 27 August 2017 by Codetuto

Saving and Loading player progress is a requirement for every game. In this post, we will learn how to save and load game in Godot Engine.

Godot Engine has a built-in data type called Dictionary. It is very efficient that we can map any object to any other object. We will use the Dictionary class to map string keys to variable values. Dictionary in Godot can be parsed to JSON string, so we can make use of that.

Create a Project

Create a project with an empty scene as shown below. It is a basic scene with just Node2D as the only child. I've renamed it to 'game' thinking, this is our real game scene.

We are not going to worry about any other project properties like width, height, scale mode etc. We are here now to implement save and load the game data.

In the Inspector, click on the New Resource button.

Then in the opened window, choose GDScript. We are going to create a new gdscript which is used as a singleton for user data management. Let us proceed.

After creating, the script editor will open. Save the file into res://autoload/

Use the same process to create another script res://autoload/

Now go to Project Settings > AutoLoad.

Browse our two scripts and set their names as shown below.

To save and load game in Godot engine, we need to create some scripts. We will create this once and can be used in all of our game. So let us jump into scripting.

User Data Manager and Game Manager scripting

The script looks like,

extends Node2D
signal loaded
signal version_mismatch
const LOADED = "loaded"
const VERSION_MISMATCH = "version_mismatch"
var _path = "path/to/save/data.dat" #Change this to user://data.dat after testing
var _user_data = {}
func load_data(default_data, version):
_user_data["version"] = version
_user_data["data"] = default_data
var f =
if(not f.file_exists(_path)):
save_data(), File.READ)
var loaded_data = {}
func _parse_loaded_data(loaded_data):
var loaded_version = loaded_data.version
for key in
_user_data["data"][key] = loaded_data["data"][key]
if(loaded_version != _user_data.version):
func save_corrected_data(corrected_user_data):
_user_data["data"] = corrected_user_data
func update_version(version):
_user_data["version"] = version
func save_data():
var f =,File.WRITE)
func set_data(key,value):
_user_data["data"][key] = value
func get_data(key):
return _user_data["data"][key]

To understand the above script we have to look into the script.

extends Node2D
var _default_user_data = {
score = 0
func _ready():
func _user_data_version_mismatch(loaded_version,loaded_data):
#	Check loaded_version, parse loaded_data and update the savedata
#	UserDataManager.save_corrected_data(corrected_data)
#	Then update the new version
#	UserDataManager.update_version("0.0.2")
func init():

Let us check what is the above script does.

Singleton in Godot is auto instantiated and available to every script by the name we set in the project settings. We have two Singleton objects now - UserDataManager and GameManager. Both can be accessed from any other script we are going to write for our game.

How to save and load games in Godot Engine Click To Tweet

We have a default user data variable. This is a dictionary object. If there is no save data present when the game starts, this default data is used. In fact, it goes deeper, even if the loaded data has no records for a specified key then the value from this default data is used. This is possible when we update our game and has additional values to be saved.

When our game boots up, UserDataManager's load_data method is called with the default data and a version string. This version string can be in any format but it should represent our game version somehow. The UserDataManager will load the save data from the disk. If there is no save data present, it creates a new one with the specified version. If our current game version is different than the one in the saved file, the version mismatch function is called. This is the place to write logic to convert the old user data format to the new one.

That's it. We can initialize everything in the init() and UserDataManager will manage the saving and loading of our game.

This is how you save and load game in Godot Engine.

When we want to save any data we can call,


And to get something,

var player_health = UserDataManager.get_data("health")

Calling the above methods will work from any script and returns the value from our saved data. The above script will only work on 2.1.x versions of Godot engine. Godot 3.0 is just around the corner and scripting API is different for the Dictionary class. We will check it out when it is released.

If you really need an explanation for the, let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading.

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