How To Root / Unroot HTC EVO 4G LTE

Posted on the 28 May 2012 by Skateroren @ProgramsAlive
If you’re running Windows, follow Steps 1 & 2. If you’re on Linux, start at Step 3, and if you own a Mac, begin at Step 4 . Assuming your device is connected:
Step 1: If you’re running Windows, be sure to update drivers using the following driver files (x86 / x64), and then download and extract the [Download link].
Step 2: After that, double-click the runme.bat file, and when the command prompt runs, simply press Enter to root your device.
Step 3: Linux users needn’t update any drivers, but simply need to unzip the (Step 1) in the Downloads directory, and then open up a terminal before typing in the following:
cd Downloads/Evo4GLTERoot
chmod 755 *
sudo ./adb-linux devices
Followed by:
Step 4: Once again, no drivers are needed, so download and unzip the link in the first step to your Downloads folder. Then, open up a terminal and type in :
cd Downloads/Evo4GLTERoot
chmod 755 *
Step 5: When you boot, you’ll notice the SuperSU app in the apps drawer of your rooted device. If you wish to un-root your device for whatever reason, run SuperSU, navigate to Settings > Full Unroot, which will unroot your device completely.