How To Ride High In The Turbulent Global IT Landscape [Infographic]

Posted on the 27 April 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Are you an industry-relevant IT professional?

Yes, this is the question to every IT professional irrespective of his/her experience. Are you industry-ready? You may have a degree/diploma in IT from a renowned institute, still this question arises. Why?

Recent years have witnessed the rapid evolution of technologies. New and emerging technologies have stolen the limelight, shortening the shelf lives of many old technologies and job roles. And the result? A growing unemployment rate casts a dark shadow over the global IT landscape.

At present, the top trends in the IT industries are as follows:

  •   Internet of Things
  •   Mobile Internet and Cloud Technology
  •   Processing power and Big data

So, if you are an IT professional, it is time for you to update yourself. The following points are a matter of careful consideration.

  •   You should be flexible and adaptable
  •   You should be able to learn new technologies and pick up new skills faster
  •   Your communication skills—both written and verbal—should be perfect and jargon-free
  •   Your other non-IT skills, including Organization, Problem-solving, Planning skills, should be up to the mark.

Pursuing a certification program is another good way for you to keep yourself job ready in today’s turbulent IT landscape. Many companies are offering certification programs for IT professionals. These programs will not only update your IT knowledge but also validate your skills.

 Source: Business Management/Consulting