How to Remove Holi Color from Face?

By Ty Watson

As a festival, Holi is celebrated in India with a lot of fervor and excitement. A lot of people like to get down and dirty and play with colors, and almost all the people across the length and breadth of India celebrate this festival. What seems even more important is the fact that people are more than willing to spend a couple of hours on that day running from one place to the other trying to smear the other people with colors as they deem fit. It is also the day of sharing where people that do not have the money to purchase colors would be easily lent money or colors as they see fit by others the so that they can enjoy in the festival as well.

Without colours, this festival would not be complete. Of course, you may have the chance of purchasing natural as well as colors which are of an herbal nature, and yet you might find being smeared with color that is not conscious enough to care about the quality of the product. Purchasing and using colours that are synthetic in nature normally creates rashes as well as dryness in the skin which is very hard to get rid of. In some cases, patches of skin might even start itching to such an extent that it would actually end up creating more problems for the people down the line.

Yet, in this festival of colors, a lot of people are yet not able to understand how to remove holi color from face. Appropriate precautions will need to be taken by the people not only to save their facial region, but also other parts of the skin. After all, skin is the largest major organ of our body and any problems to it is normally going to create a snowball effect into finding more problems in our body. You need to be able to ensure that the after effects of playing with colors is not felt in your body for a long time, neither do you have the chance of contracting any disease due to your carelessness while playing with colors. There are certain things that can be done in order to completely remove the Holi color from the facial region, as well as other parts of the body, and some of them have been listed below.

  • Appropriate care should be provided to your hair if they are doused with colors. Before the need for you to use a shampoo in order to get the colors out of your hair, you need to allow a certain amount of water to flow through your scalp, ensuring that all the additional colors that are in your scalp can be easily washed off. This is a very vital thing to do or else by directly applying shampoo, you might end up creating more hair damage than anticipated. It is also a good idea to make use of honey and olive oil after the use of shampoo in order to provide deep conditioning to your hair. This nourishment to the base of your scalp will definitely go to help you revitalize the hair.
  • To learn how to remove Holi color, you need to be able to get rid of the notion of applying soap to your skin. Instead, you could go for a mild cleansing agent that can be followed up with moisturizing cream from any brand company. If you feel that there is any skin irritation, ensure that you makes a few drops of rose water along with honey and calamine powder in order to create a paste which can then be applied to the portion which is itching. Within no time, you would be able to see that there is an appropriate amount of relief in that particular part of the face. If possible, you can also use of facial mask that is to be put on the entire face to ensure that your skin is revitalized.
  • The dust and dirt is a constant companion for the people that are surrounded by friends and family while playing Holi. Although there are a lot of people that are straight on making use of herbal colors, there are also some which might smuggle in synthetic color. As soon as you find that there is itching in your skin, the first thing you need to do is to mix the rosewater and glycerin in appropriate amounts and apply this mixture to the portion of the skin that is itching. After keeping it for a while, you can rinse the skin with the help of lukewarm water, and you would feel a noticeable relief.
  • Using a cleanser is one of the best ways for you to remove excessive amount of color from your face. Most of the cleansers are rich in aloe vera as well as lemon extracts, and therefore it would be able to effectively remove any kind of excessive color that might have found its way into the hard to reach corners in your skin. After the cleansing is finished, you can apply an antiseptic cream.
  • If you anticipate playing Holi, it would be a good idea to apply a coating of oil to your skin prior to going out to play with colors. That way, since the base foundation of your face already has oil, getting rid of the color with the help of any cleansing agent would be a breeze.

There are enough techniques and methods that can be used in order to remove Holi color from the facial region. If people are leaning to learn techniques on how to remove Holi color from nails, there are ample sources over the Internet that can help you out. Or, you can use of home-grown method of doing so by simply using glycerin as well as dipping the nails in lukewarm water in order to help the colors dissolve and more out of the nails. If they intended result is not achieved, then making use of a scrubber in order to remove the color from the nails will do the trick.

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