How To Remove Dark Spots on Face Overnight Home Remedies

Posted on the 12 March 2021 by Dailyglamor

Black spots or hyperpigmentation are dark spots or freckles on particular parts of the skin. These stains may appear in different parts of the body such as; Face, neck, hands, etc. They can also be red, brown, and gray in color. These spots may vary in color and shape. Black spots are known as edge spots. These spots are caused by skin discoloration. Black spots may usually appear on the shoulder, arm, or back in addition to the face.

What exactly are the dark spots on the face? (What is Blemishes?)

Stains on the face are due to melanin. Sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) rays are the major cause of hyperpigmentation as they directly affect the production of melanin in the body.

- Due to the greater exposure of the skin to the sun, small spots called lentigo solaris start forming in adults. The reason for this is that as you get older, your skin's ability to regenerate decreases. These spots are light brown to black in color. Increasing old age is also a big reason for freckles.

-Hormonal fluctuations also result in stain spots on the face. Estrogen and progesterone hormones induce excessive production of melanin when exposed to sunlight, causing spots on the skin.

-Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is caused by skin injury and inflammation etc., for example after wounds, psoriasis, burns, eczema, acne or waxing. Using beauty products that are too harsh or harmful are also the cause of black spots.

- Many perfumes have photosensitizers that can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. Even applying perfume on the skin and coming out in the sun immediately causes dark spots on the skin.

-If you live in big cities and there are reddish brown spots on your face, then the reason for this may be pollution.

Perhaps you do not know that facial pressure spots can also be a sign of some serious disease, that is, dark spots can also be a cause of mental illness.

The eyes on our face are one of the most fragile organs of the body and any problem associated with them has the potential to cause disruption in normal life's work. One such problem that is troubling many people is the appearance of spots or some floating lines in front of the eyes. Many people consider this problem as a brain disease, but it is not a disease but a disease called floaters.

Sunlight is considered a good source of vitamin-D, but did you know that sun rays can also cause wrinkles on your face? Even the rays coming from a window can prove to be harmful bodies. The rays coming out of the glass can be so dangerous that the part of the face which appears on it, seems to be seven years older than the other parts. Sitting in your car for a while during the summer season can also damage the skin to an extent.

If there are spots in the skin, then it can be known about brain disease. This is called neurocutaneous syndrome. If there are white spots on the skin, then it shows signs of mental fits and mental disability. Although doctors say that this does not mean that skin rash means not only brain disease, but also other skin-related diseases, but it also indicates brain diseases. If there are brown spots on the skin, it is called neurofibromatosis This causes fits, mental illnesses.

Why are there stains on the face? (Causes of Blemishes)

Nowadays, there is no restriction of any age on the face, but people of all ages are struggling with this problem. There are many reasons behind this-

-Black stains also occur as a side effect of some medicines such as; Chemotherapy, Antibiotics, Malaria medicines, etc.

- Touching the face all day makes the face messy and bad. However, it is important to wash the skin thoroughly before sleeping every night. But try to prevent your hands from touching the face unnecessarily. This can cause acne-causing bacteria in the skin.

- Tension, stains and dark spots are a major cause.

Bacteria on oily skin grow rapidly and these bacteria cause stains on the face.

- Not only by removing the makeup without sleeping but also by not cleaning the oil, dirt, etc., which collect on the skin throughout the day, new stains are formed.

-When you use new products on the skin, sometimes you may have to face some blemish in the beginning.

-When the weather changes and the weather is hot one day and cold the next day, it can wreak havoc on the skin. Due to which the balance of the skin deteriorates and the skin may suffer from stains.

- Burns can cause scars or stains. If any part of the body burns due to any reason, there is a mark of burning at that place.

-When a deep injury occurs due to an accident, the same injury later takes the form of a scar.

- Pimples also cause stains or scars on the face, throat, neck or back.

- Scars are also formed by the bite of insects.

- Any kind of scratches can also cause stains or scars.

- Scars can also occur due to any type of operation or surgery.

- During pregnancy, weight and stomach increase due to which the skin of the stomach is stretched and marks are formed.

Today, in the fast life of fast life, it becomes very difficult to hide the skin from the strong rays of the sun. Sunlight increases the melanin in the skin, which changes the color of the body and leaves many-colored spots on our body.

Prevention Tips for Blemishes

In order to avoid facial spots, firstly one needs to pay attention to lifestyle and diet style. Keeping them balanced can be avoided to some extent. like-


- Drink plenty of water. Drink 7 to 8 glasses of water daily.

Eat green fresh leafy vegetables.

Eat fresh fruits daily.

Eat a balanced diet.

- Diet should be sufficient in vitamins.

-Do not consume excess spicy food.

-Mirch and discard the over-fried dish.

Eat more fruits like banana, baris, oranges.

Try to live a stress-free life.

-Do not consume junk items like noodles, momos, pizza etc.

Eat almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, etc.

- Drink lemon water or sorbet.

- Adopt the right food habits. Include such things in your food, which contain plenty of vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin-C and other nutrients.

Use SPF-15 or more sunscreen lotion or cream. Apply sunscreen cream not only on the face, on both sides and neck, but also for 30 minutes before going out of the house every day.

- After coming out, wash hands and mouth thoroughly. This causes dust mites to get out of the skin.

Do not use too much makeup.

- Put off makeup at night and sleep.

Home remedies for blemishes of the face

Generally, to get rid of facial spots, the first home remedies are adopted. Here we will talk about some of the home remedies passed by the experts of Patanjali, by whose use the stains can be reduced to some extent -

Aloe vera beneficial in getting rid of facial blemishes (Aloe Vera Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)

By removing the top layer of aloe vera and applying the gel inside it, it quickly effects and starts to subside.

Potato beneficial in getting rid of facial spots (Potato Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)
Cut into small pieces of potatoes and soak them slightly. Keep those pieces on the black spots for 10 minutes. Finally wash the skin with lukewarm water.

- Grate the potatoes first. Then add honey and make a paste. Apply this paste on your black spots for 10 to 20 minutes. After that wash your skin with lukewarm water.

Turmeric pack beneficial in getting rid of facial spots (Turmeric Paste Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)
Make a paste by mixing turmeric, lemon juice and milk in a bowl. If you are using this paste to remove black spots on your face, apply the paste all over the face. Leave the paste on for 15 minutes and then wash your face with water.

Lemon Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes

Add a little water to the lemon juice and apply it on your black spots with cotton. After 10 to 20 minutes wash your skin with plain water.

Apple cider vinegar is beneficial in relieving facial spots (Apple Cidar Vinegar Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)
Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar to one teaspoon honey and water. Now apply this mixture on black spots with cotton and after fifteen minutes wash your skin with water.

Honey pack is beneficial in getting rid of facial blemishes (Honey Pack Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)
Prepare a mixture by mixing milk and honey. Apply this mixture on black spots with the help of cotton and wash the skin with water after 10-15 minutes.

- Make a paste by mixing honey, milk and oatmeal in a bowl. Apply this paste on the face and let it dry for a while and then wash it with cold water.

- Mix honey and onion juice in a bowl. Apply this mixture on the black spots and after half an hour wash the skin with water.

- Combine honey and cinnamon powder and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on black spots before going to bed at night. Next day in the morning wash the skin with water.

Orange face pack beneficial in getting rid of face blemishes (Orange Face Pack Beneficial to Get Rid from Blemishes)

Make a paste by mixing orange peel powder, milk and honey in a bowl. Apply this paste on your black spots and let it dry. Then wash it with lukewarm water.

Sandal face pack beneficial in getting rid of dark spots on face
- Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder, milk and glycerin in a bowl. Apply this paste on your black spots and leave it for 30 minutes.

- Prepare a paste by mixing sandalwood powder and rose water. Apply this paste on the black spots.

Green tea face pack beneficial in getting rid of dark spots on face
Make a paste by adding one teaspoon of green tea leaves, one teaspoon gram flour, half teaspoon turmeric, two spoons oatmeal and a little water in a bowl. Apply this paste on the black spots and wash the skin after the paste dries.

Cucumber beneficial in getting rid of dark spots on face
Grate the cucumber and mix it with curd and make a paste. Leave this paste on the black spots for 30 to 40 minutes. After this wash the skin with water.

Garlic beneficial in getting rid of facial dark spots on face

Grind garlic buds and onion pieces together and extract their juice. Apply this juice on black spots with the help of cotton. When the juice dries, wash the skin with water.

Papaya beneficial in getting rid of dark spots on face
Grind the pieces of papaya and make a paste. Apply this paste on the black spots and leave it to dry. After the paste dries, wash the skin with water.

Hot water steam is beneficial in relieving dark spots on face.
Hot water vapor opens the pores of the skin and cleanses its filthiness. When this happens, dark spots also reduce.

When should I go to the doctor? (When to See a Doctor?)

If the problem of stains is more serious then contact the doctor. These methods of treatment are commonly used by doctors to eradicate blemishes - laser treatment, chemical peel, microdermabrasion, cryosurgery.