” There are no small savings ! to reduce your home’s energy bill, you’ve done everything you can, but nothing works. However, have you thought of everything? Because we are sometimes caught up in everyday life: zoom in on these more than energy-intensive household appliances.
Saving energy without cutting corners on everyone’s comfort seems irreconcilable to you? To limit energy expenditure, it is a question of taking an interest in what each device consumes. In the kitchen, it’s the same! You have chosen to opt for a healthy and balanced diet, without making too many sacrifices. The consumption of the refrigerator, the microwave and the plates remain unavoidable. However, two devices remain extremely energy-intensive!
In the kitchen too, we can reduce our consumption without depriving ourselves
For this, no need to undertake major works, simply relive the experiences of yesteryear. Didn’t you see your grandmother practicing the “lights off kitchen” ? No, we are not talking about cold meals but about a simple gesture: when cooking food, remove it from the heat before the end of the latter, the heat of the container and the cooking water, will take care of the rest. Your dishes will be cooked and you will have saved energy. Little by little, one cm3 after another.
Read also: Cooking salmon in the dishwasher: save electricity with a genius trick
A device whose consumption is revolting
Today, let’s take a look at the energy consumption of household appliances. You have realized that by properly maintaining your low-consumption refrigerator, inside and out, it consumes less energy.
To measure this, we use the unit of electrical power, the Watt, and that of the kWh (Kilowatt/hour), for consumption. We can compare… A class “A” 200W refrigerator and a class “C” 350W refrigerator. Over the year they will consume 201 kWh for class “A” and 500 kWh for class “C”. A difference of 300 kWh! The price in January 2023 of the electric kWh is 0.1740 €, the saving between the two fridges is 52.20 euros. Clarification: a dishwasher consumes an average of 288 kWh, or roughly the same amount (€50.11).
So what about this household appliance, which we use once a week, to heat the oil to 190°C to cook the fries… Its power is 1500 to 2000 W, just enormous! For 48 weeks of use, 84 kWh will pass, or €14.85.
Conclusion: unplug it, especially since alternative solutions exist. Fewer fries is still healthier or consider preparing them using a gas fryer.
Saving money at home: identifying energy-consuming appliances.
Healthy, soft, comfortable laundry for the whole house, your second objective! For the washing machine, you have found solutions to reduce its energy consumption. Reduce the temperature, when possible, choose a shorter program that is just as effective, run it at night… you still have to dry it. If the washing machines display power between 2000 and 2200 W, we can calculate that a cycle costs 0.9 kWh on average… However, the other function, the dryer displays between 2500 and 3000 kWh, and requires for a 3 kWh cycle!
Conclusion: unplug it, since other, more economical drying solutions exist. The drying rack, the clothesline… A word of advice: make sure you ventilate your home to prevent humidity from spreading and harming everyone’s health.
Read also: This error turns your refrigerator into a huge energy consumer. Do you do it too?
Unplug other devices?
An English blogger, “@duchessofthrift”, created the buzz last year, by offering another tip on his Tik Tok account: unplug the router at night. Of course, she went about it reasonably and by explaining it to the whole family. Not only did she save money on her energy bill, but in addition his children, previously addicted to social networks and other video games, have regained sleep and improved school performance. Things that are priceless!
As you can see, it is possible to save money, without going back to the Stone Age. You can also monitor the consumption of your electrical appliances and try to grab a few euros that will make the difference at the end of the month.
Read also: Do you know the fires off kitchen? The trick to reducing the energy bill