How to Reduce Oily Skin on Your Face

Posted on the 24 September 2020 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

Oily skin is a problem many people around the world face everyday. However, just because this problem is common doesn't mean you have to just accept it.

There are many things that can cause oily skin on your face. The most common reason why your face is so oily could be due to your genetics.

Your genes plays a major role in whether or not you have oily skin or not. Another common cause of oily skin are hormones.

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When your hormones are out of order or if you have too much male testosterone in your system you're more likely to have oily skin. This is why a lot of pregnant women find their face is always oily during their pregnancy.

The weather of the area you're currently living in can also cause a lot of probelms with oily skin. For example, if you live in a hot climate it will cause your sebaceous glands to over-produce the skin oil known as sebum to keep your skin hydrated.

However, though sebum is necessary to keep your skin lubricated too much can cause more than a few problems. Excessive oily skin can lead to massive acne breakouts and leave your skin looking too shiny.

How to Stop Oily Face During the Day

If you want to stop your oily face there are a number of things you can begin doing. Check out some of the best natural remedies for oily skin to keep your skin feeling healthy and not greasy.

Clay masks are good for oily skin because they unclog your pores so that oil, dirt, and bacteria don't build up on your skin. For the best results though you'll need to apply a clay mask to your face a few times each week.

The best clay masks for oily skin are charcoal and kaolin clay. When you apply these clay masks they'll remove dirt and oil from your skin and reduce oiliness on your skin.

Using a non-comedogenic and oil-free moisturizer will help clear your skin of excess oil. When choosing a moisturizer for your skin you should also look for certain ingredients like benzyl peroxide, which will help reduce the amount of oil your sebaceous glands create.

You can find effective oil-free moisturizers online or at your local pharmacy. Just make sure with whatever moisturizer you decide to use that you stay consistent with it everyday.

You should try to moisturize your skin at least 2 times everyday for the best results.

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Another great way to reduce oily skin on your face is to use a good toner. Toners help get rid of oily skin by shrinking pores, restoring your skin's natural pH balance, and prevent ingrown hairs that can cause oil and other debris to build up on your skin.

The best type of toners to remove excess oil are astringent ones. Astringent toners are one of the best tools to add to your skin care routine for battling oily skin.

If you want to stop oily skin for good these are some of the best treatments you can begin using today to get the clear you skin you've always wanted.

Sources How to Reduce Oily Skin on Face - 3 Things You Can Start Doing Today - Oily Skin Group Manage Your Oily Skin and Fight Acne - WebMD