How to Record Only Requests From a Specific Domain in Charles

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

In the last installment in our series on Charles Proxy, Swaraj demonstrates how to record only requests from a specific domain using the tool.

Familiarize yourself with mapping web resources to local files in the previous video in our series.


Hi, my name is Swaraj and this is the fourth installment in my series on Charles Web Debugging Proxy. Here’s how to record only requests from a specific domain.

By default, when you load a webpage in Charles, Charles records every single one of the web requests made. So let’s go ahead and reload reddit. As we can see, there’s all these requests happening. So it can be kind of difficult to examine your exact request, so Charles has a filter by domain name option. We go to settings, recording settings, click the “include” tab. I already have one set up where anything that matches * Those are the only ones that will actually record. 

So go ahead and hit OK. Get rid of my previous requests and I go to a * website, and hit refresh. I can see that only sites matching * are the ones that are recorded.