How to Rank Website on Google First Page

By Sandy16

Every blogger wants to rank website on google first page as soon as possible. But, in reality, it takes much time than the expected time as it carries major ranking factors.

The reality is that SEO gets updated from time to time and Google updates its algorithm from time to time and it is a long-term process.

Here in this post we will let you know on how to rank website on google first page with proven tactics. We will figure out the major ranking factors that Google consider to a rank website on google first page

1. Create original content:

We often listened from many bloggers and digital marketers that “content is king” 

A website with quality content will assure you with the better search engine rankings in google. Creating a duplicate content can steal your work and puts you down in the rankings position. Google bots are very intelligent and they can catch duplicate content very easily and quickly. Original content always ranks better on google

2. Length of content

The length of the blog post really matters in terms of ranking positions of the google. The pages with less content will be considered as incomplete content. And the pages with Much explanation is considered as the powerful content, thus ranks those pages with better positions.

Try to write the post by considering the pros and the cons with clear explanations, which in return gives you massive response from visitors.

3. Website structure

A website is said to be fully functional and rankable when it posses responsive design. The website which is designed with interactive widgets and sidebars gives much access to visitors

Mobile friendly design should be considered to kick out the lagging time while loading your website. Remove the un-necessary widgets on the website and add easy navigation menus to your website

Note:  Speed of website is one of the major ranking factor on google

4. Use of keywords

Keywords are the one, for which your entire topic will run. Keywords should be used wisely and effectively where needed to let Google know about the topic discussed.

Use keywords in the title, meta, description, first paragraph, middle of the content and at the end of the content. Excessive use of keywords will mark your post as spam and neglects your page on google rankings

The selected keyword should be used 4-5 times for 1000 words of content

5. Backlinks

Google ranks your website based on the quality backlinks that your website possess. Backlinks are the major ranking factor from years on google. Links that are released from a quality website will increase its ranking potential.

Grab the links from the website which have high domain authority and page authority. By getting links from quality websites your website authority will be increased and ranked better.

  • Find the backlinks from the websites of the same niche
  • Write guest posts on similar websites
  • Comment on the posts and build relationships

6. Social media

Social media signals are one among the top ranking factor of google. Create a social media account for your website and share the content with your friends and increase your followers base.

  • Respond to visitors questions and answer them with the most suitable answers
  • Don’t spam the account

7. Build authority

This is very important, domain authority is very crucial in trusting your website. A website with high domain authority is treated as the trusted website. So build your domain authority by writing quality posts and engage with other bloggers on the forums.

Domain age increases the authority of the website and page authority increases the rankings position on google.

Also Read: How to Build High Quality Backlinks for SEO

How to rank website on google first page

Google is very clever and updates its algorithm from time to time. Once you were hit by an algorithm, it takes months and years to recover on the rankings (even many quits).

It’s not an easy process and won’t be changed overnight, you need to have the patience to see the results. Don’t get stuck in the middle, make the continuous effort till you rank website on google first page.

Remember the important points

  • write quality content
  • Build social trust
  • Increase domain authority
  • Get quality links from the same niche
  • select your keywords based on the competition
  • Design a responsive layout for mobile and PC