How To Rank High In Google With New Website

By Sandy16

Every blogger aims to bring their posts on the first page of Google. It is well known that posts which appear on top 3 positions achieve better traffic from Google. So here in this post, we will share tips on how to rank high in Google with new website

Old domains can easily rank in Google while compared to new domains. Google prioritise the domain authority to show the results on the first page of Google and it is not at all easy task for a new website to rank high in Google. To help you out we have provided all the possible ways to rank high in Google with your brand new website. The main reason to get better rank in Google is to generate more traffic from the search engine that turns your passion into profits. Below we have mentioned the steps on how to rank high in Google even with a new website.

1. Provide niche content:

The first step in getting high rank in Google is to make your visitors believe in your content. When the visitor trusts your content he/she try to revisit your website to read more interesting topics. Write the posts with detailed information without leaving any questions to your visitors. The content with meaningful words can boost your traffic in real quick time and also concentrate on getting more information before you publish the posts. Try to maintain the word count of 800 to 1500 or even more, the page with more content ranks better than the pages with lower word count. And undoubtedly provide the unique content that promotes your website in first place.

2. Use of keywords:

For the new websites, it is difficult to rank for the competitive keywords which were occupied by popular websites. To try your luck at the first page Google tries on targeting low competitive keywords. Low competitive keywords can easily rank high in Google because it does not have much competition in search engines. Use the tools like SEMrush to find the keyword difficulty to rank in Google search results. And we highly recommend using long tail keywords to rank high in Google and use to the better idea of using the specific keyword.

3. Outbound links:

Outbound links are one of the Google’s 200 Ranking Factors which were listed out by Brian Dean and described them as the signals of trust. Try to link the most relevant posts, so that it tells the search engine that the topic has the more detailed report and it will be beneficial to rank higher. But providing irrelevant link may discourage your posts in the search engines so be careful while placing the links.

4. Internal linking:

Internal linking acts as the spider web for your website, which connects the points to point detailed related posts to gather more matter. Links should be provided to let the visitor search the best of your website so that he can gain more from your blog. Internal linking can increase your blog traffic massively by providing them at good intervals.

5. Website speed:

Website loading time is another important factor that involved to rank high in google google drops the pages which are very slow. The pages with good server response time and improved page loading can rank better in google and you can see the changes in your page positions with improved page loading time. To check your website speed you use the tools like Pingdom and google PageSpeed

6. Make active:

Before you try to rank high in google check whether your website is active or not? try to update your website with unique posts from time to time. By making your website active you can gain more exposure in the google rankings and you will see the rapid increase in website traffic.

7. Meta description:

Meta descriptions are very crucial in search engines. The pages with more information in its meta description rank higher than the one with casual words. Avoid using of duplicate content in your meta description and concentrate on creating in-depth meta description.

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8. Use of keywords:

Search engines showcase the pages according to the search queries made with the help of the specific keywords. Keywords are the search terms that points out to generate traffic to your website. Use the keywords in your title, meta description and in the body of your content. Placing of your keywords in these positions can tell the google that the topic is on so and so and when the visitor check for those keywords your page will be showcased in search results page. And maintain your keyword density to a minimum but not the maximum count, excess use can put your page down so choose them correctly with a minimum of 0.5% density.

We hope that these tips on how to rank high in google helped you in getting better positions for your pages. And lets us know if you have any additional tips to improve google page rank and be free to ask any questions in the comments section.