1. Deal with your oily skin: If you have oily skin carry {these} oil absorbing facial sheets with you. They will give your skin a perfect, matte look.
2. Deal with your dry skin: If you have dry skin be sure to moisturize and hydrate yourself from the inside as well. Drink water and eat hydrating foods that are filled with antioxidants.
3. Exfoliate, but not too often: Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells. Over exfoliating can lead to dry skin in some places and oily skin in others.
4. Use a toner: Toner restores your skins natural pH balance. It tightens and minimize's pores while locking in moisture for the day.
5. Sleep on your back or with a silk pillow case: This will help you avoid breakouts, wrinkles, and those super cute fine lines that have been taking longer and longer to go away when we wake up in the morning.
6. Drink a ton of water: Hydrating your skin is one of the best things you can do for yourself. A glowing complexion comes from the inside. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
7. Use airbrush tanning to avoid wearing face makeup: Since I hate wearing foundation or bronzer, I try to get an airbrush tan once every two weeks. This makes it so I have a little bit of color at all times, and can run out of the house sans make up without looking ghostly.