How to Protect Your Kid from Social Media Addiction!

Posted on the 06 June 2019 by Health_news
How to protect your kid from social media addiction!

Human is a social animal and there's no doubt that only socializing with fellow beings can keep living going. But, has the current generation taken this a tad too seriously? As the popularity of social media keeps reaching new heights every other day, so is the curiosity to find out who's doing what. The age group that is most intrigued by these platforms is 14 to 23. Now that it isn't a big deal to get the latest smartphone of his/ her choice, it's high time we keep a check on what effect it has on your teen's mental health.

1. Have face-to-face conversation

How to protect your kid from social media addiction!
A lot of kids tend to splurge more hours on social media because of loneliness. Lack of people around to have actual conversations is what makes them to dependent on something that keeps them occupied. As a parent, it is essential that you spend quality time with children to keep them safe from getting addicted to the Internet. This when ignored can lead to a situation where mingling with people in real might scare them.

2. Show them what's real

How to protect your kid from social media addiction!
Ask your kids to spend time with friends outside school or bring them home for a snack. This way, your child gets to interact face to face rather than texting or video calls. Having family get-togethers and picnics once in a while can help them mingle with grandparents and cousins which has a positive effect on the kid's mental health.

3. Teach them the hazards of virtual comparison

While social media has made lives easier and in infinite ways, there is always something we always do, even as adults. Yes, we compare ourselves with a friend who's spending his holiday at the Maldives or someone who has a size-zero body. When adults ourselves feel emotionally low many a times, the case is even worse with kids. They are sensitive and easily tend to become victims of these comparison acts. This can depress them and make them feel detached from friends and family. And hence, if you figure out there's something suspicious about your kid's social media activities, it's time you act before it becomes too late.

We are often bound by financial responsibilities that and miss out on what our kid is doing or going through. In worst cases, your child might even have gone into depression not just because of social media but because of various external factors that might be happening in your family or at school. Have dinners together, take your kid out to the supermarket, mingle with his friends and make sure he feels comfortable to discuss anything with you. This way, you can make sure he isn't caught in the social media web.