Has your child ever woken up with soggy pajamas and sheets? If you found this post, don’t worry you aren’t alone as bed wetting is a common house hold occurrence and there is no reason for you or your child to be embarrassed. Bed wetting is common among children 4 to 12 years old. Did you know 1 in 6 kids between the ages 4-12 wets the bed? Generally, if your child is wetting the bed it isn’t a cause for concern until they are over 6 years of age because they are still developing their night time bladder control.
If your child has an issue with bed wetting, not only is it embarrassing for your child but it can also cause additional stress and guilt for wetting the bed. A child who wets the bed should NEVER be punished or ridiculed for having an accident. There is no need to worry about your child having deeper emotional issues or medical problems if they are still wetting the bed at night. However, if your child is over the age of 7 it might be worth taking to your child’s doctor about to rule out a potential medical issue.
Tips for Overcoming Bed Wetting
If you have a child who wets the bed, it is very important that you don’t punish them or make fun of them for wetting the bed. Most children don’t have any control over their bladder at night because their bladder hasn’t fully matured. Your bladder typically sends signals to your brain when you are sleeping to alert your body to wake up and use the restroom before the bladder gets to full, which is different from the signal that is transmitted to your brain during the day. Don’t worry one day your child will eventually grow out of night time bed wetting. Instead, it is best to offer your child encouragement and praise so that they don’t feel guilty for something that they have no control over.
- Be patient.
- Enforce a “no’ teasing rule so that other family members don’t tease your child for wetting the bed.
- Help them find a solution to help reduce their night time bed wetting.
- Bedwetting is a fairly common condition that a child cannot control or be trained out of.
- Have your child help clean up their mess including washing/drying their bedding and soiled clothing.
- Offer rewards for each night that your child wakes up dry.
- Make it easy for your child to use the restroom in the middle of the night even if it means using a night light or leaving a light on in the hallway.
- Make sure they aren’t constipated, constipation can cause additional pressure on the bladder.
Other Bed Wetting Statics
- 43% of parents incorrectly believe that bedwetting can be “trained” out of a child.
- 41% of parents of bedwetters describe it as frustrating.
- 51% seek a better overall bedwetting product.
- Boys are more likely to wet the bed than girls.
- More than one-quarter express anxiety about their child spending the night somewhere and wetting the bed.
Making Kids Feel More Confident During Sleep Overs
More Facts About GoodNites* TRU-FIT*
GoodNites® brand is introducing a completely new kind of bedtime protection: GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear. GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is machine-washable, real underwear with disposable, absorbent inserts that help keep sheets and PJs dry all night
- GoodNites* TRU-FIT* offers a new choice for parents and children looking for a superior bedwetting product to help have a better night, every night
- 87% of Moms that tried the product said that TRU-FIT* will make their kids more confident
- GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is available now at select national retailers for purchase
- GoodNites* TRU-FIT* is available for boys and girls in sizes S/M and L/XL with colors and patterns for each size
- GoodNites* TRU-FIT* Underwear is accompanied by a disposable, absorbent insert – designed to protect sheets and PJs all night
- Disposable, absorbent insert should be discarded after each night’s use
- GoodNites* TRU-FIT* offers a new choice for parents and children looking for a superior bedwetting product to help families have a better night, every night
You can download a GoodNites* TRU-FIT* coupon for $3 off at http://www.goodnites.com/our-products/goodnites-trufit/